Your Best Shot!

We do not fail because we do not have opportunities, we fail because we took our own opportunity for granted! – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

If it does not worth your best shot, it does not worth your time! – Femi Adediran, November 2021

Even where and when you find yourself in small places, do your Great deed. Don’t let a small place limit the extent of your great performance. Passport for great platforms comes literally from small places – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Our heart can only follow the direction of our best shots – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Our shots are not effective until they become our best!- Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Those who win are not necessarily the best, they just gave their best shot. Anybody can win if only we will give our best shot – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Your best shot

If it does not worth your best shot, it does not worth your time!

Never be involved in anything you are not willing to give your best shot, it will eventually cut you short.

All you can do is all you can do. You can only do your best.

For every shot we missed, we missed the target. Give your best shot always, even if you missed the target, you are no longer inexperienced

What really counts is our best shot, every other shot is nothing but a discount

Even where and when you find yourself in small places, do your Great deed. Don’t let a small place limit the extent of your great performance. Passport for great platforms comes literally from small places.

Those who win are not necessarily the best, they just gave their best shot. Anybody can win if only we will give our best shot.

  • If you must sing at all, Sing your best at all times
  • If you must write, write out your heart in every line
  • If you must say anything at all, say it from your heart and not just from your lips
  • If must lead anywhere, lead with a deep sense of responsibility
  • If you must be a father, be a father with grave consciousness
  • If you must raise kids, raise Great kids intentionally

Our shots are not effective until they become our best!

Our heart can only follow the direction of our best shots

There is something interesting about giving your best shot, even if you missed your target, you still feel fulfilled.Your best shot

An attempt is good, a deliberate attempt to win is better. Take every step intentionally and with the gold medal in mind, this is your motivation.

Those who win are not necessarily the best, they just gave their best shot. Anybody can win if only we will give our best shot.

We are only limited by the shots we did not give.

We do not fail because we do not have opportunities, we fail because we took our own opportunity for granted!

We will all have opportunities, either big or small. What makes our opportunity productive is whether we gave them our best shot or not.

Our making or breaking is in the (best) shot we give or do not give!

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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