Show Up Regardless

Life will give you one thousand and one reasons to stay behind locked door…to stay off and to stay away… All you need is just one reason…ONE REASON…to break lose…and show up…find that ONE REASON and show up – Femi Adediran, 2019

You are the only one who can write your challenges on your own forehead, nobody can do it for you – Femi Adediran, 2019

A better man is that man with proven integrity. You should be more particular about “your integrity” than “your success”. Your integrity can only attract the right success to you. A man is only successful when he has proven integrity – Femi Adediran, 2019

Challenges are magnified in solitude -Femi Adediran, 2019

When you show up, life shows up for you! -Femi Adediran, 2019

  • It doesn’t really matter how many times you  have been shoved off in the background, when you show up, you just proved that you are a victor after all
  • It doesn’t really matter how many times you  have failed, when you show up, it shows whatever you  have been through is no match for you. You have not failed really, you were only going through your process for success
  • It doesn’t really matter how many times you  have cried in the dark, when you show up, it shows that even crying cannot steal your smiles
  • It doesn’t really matter how many times you  have been beaten hands down, when you show up, it shows you have not surrendered yet
  • It doesn’t really matter who  have abused you in the background, when you show up, it shows that no abuse will ever turn you to a refuse or a recluse

Life will give you one thousand and one reasons to stay behind locked door…to stay off and to stay away… All you need is just one reason…ONE REASON…to break lose…and show up…find that ONE REASON and show up

The earlier you stopped the pity party, the better your life would be. When you throw pity party in the dark, your guests will be sorrow and your servers will be depression and you would be robbing yourself of the opportunities that awaits you in the light.

Stop the self-pity now if you don’t want to end up in the pit of life!

Challenges are magnified in solitude. One of the very interesting thing about life is that most of the things that we dread don’t even exist at all…if only we knew…

  • We live with too many assumptions and endless presumptions
  • We run when no one is pursuing us
  • We hide for no reason
  • We are scared to the marrow at the slightest bang. Some people even tremble at their own shadow

Some are so scared they will fail; they don’t even show up at the exam hall. We don’t want to be seeing because we think someone out there does not like our face (who cares anyway).

So many people would not participate because they think others are better than them. And what makes one man better than the other? It is about your capability beyond what is available to the physical eye. You  not “look it” but because you “have it”…it’s in you…You are the better man…

A better man is that man with proven integrity.  You should be more particular about “your integrity” than “your success”. Your integrity can only attract the right success to you. A man is only successful when he has proven integrity. Several people won’t speak up today because they think their opinion does not count and someone out there “probably” does not like their voice.

They think because they are divorced, they are not supposed to show up at the wedding party. They think because they did not have college degree they are not supposed to show up at the graduation ceremony. They think they are the only one struggling with so much at the background and every other person is having a time of their life. If only they knew that most faces they see dared the consequences to show up. If only they knew that most people that walk the street and that they meet at the store are only faking it until they make it.

You are the only one who can write your challenges on your own forehead; nobody can do it for you. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your own permission. Nobody can say No to you until you say No to yourself. Whatever, your situation might be, show up anyway

  • Even when it is obvious you have failed, show up
  • Even when you are indebted, show up
  • Even when nothing is working, show up
  • Even when you have been back-stabbed, show up
  • Even when you are heartbroken, show up
  • Even when no one seems to care, Show up
  • Even when you don’t have the best dress, show up
  • Even when you have lost your job, show up
  • Even when your marriage is going through crisis, show up
  • Even when all hope seems lost, show up

No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up…

Each time you show up, the shadows that hover over your soul are illuminated, the countenance of your spirit is brightened and somehow, things look beautiful again

  • Each time you show up…you become more confident, more resolute and more determined
  • Each time you show up, you become less depressive
  • When you show up, jinxes are broken
  • When you show up you break barriers and your limits are off
  • When you show up, you become relevant and more relevant
  • When you show up, life show up for you!

We can only live and show up despite our challenges. If you wait until your challenges are over before you show up, you will probably be dead when this happens. Time and again, life will shove you to the background. It’s up to you to say my music would not be silenced and my dance won’t be stopped. And how do you show up?

  • Send the text message
  • Make the phone calls
  • Attend the event
  • Visit the friend
  • Send the money
  • Be at the wedding
  • Express your feelings
  • Tell them you love them
  • Smile at your perceived enemy
  • Dance on the stage
  • Make your contribution
  • Speak up in a group
  • Air your opinion
  • Be at your friends hospital bedside
  • Attend the church/mosque programme

Show up…Regardless…And don’t just show up…show up in style, show up with elegance, Show up with gait…Show up and show off…it is your life after all

 Femi Adediran…olufire nooni

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