12 Commandments for 2024

1. Find your spiritual bearing first and foremost simply because its a spiritual world. If you can and will fortify your spirit, you can fight your battles

2. Increase the capacity of your heart. To become big, your heart cannot be small. Love people genuinely, give unconditionally and care compassionately, that is how to become big in the new year.

3. In every situation, find a way and not an excuse, make this a personal mantra

4. To attain new altitude, Gratitude must be your daily attitude. Be grateful for everything and be grateful for nothing

5. You will make mistakes no doubt. But keep in mind that your Setback is a setup for your comeback. Don’t let your mistakes make you “miss your take”

6. Don’t give anybody the privilege of sitting in your head, forgive people even before they offend you. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for someone else to die!

7. Spend sometime with yourself regularly in meditation and observation. It is one sure way to dig deep into you and unravel the big you

8. Your instincts is your inner pathway that may not follow the conventional navigation. Facts and figures are good but your gut feeling is a better navigator unto greatness

9. Do what you are afraid to do. There is no other way to conquer fear!

10. Family is everything. Give it everything! Family is one of life’s greatest blessings

11. No one is coming to save you. Stop waiting for someone to come and change things for you, otherwise you will live in perpetual disappointment. Be the change you want to see. Trust God absolutely for his help

12. Accept people for who they are, nothing can be more “peace-full”. Their is beauty in our differences!