Be Thankful, Be Grateful

No man has ever been Thankful who has never been “Tank-full”. Thankfulness unlocks divine flow of Heavenly blessings into your life until u become “Tank-full”. Be thankful even for dirty dishes…Nothing moves God like thanksgiving at all times – Femi Adediran

The Ungrateful has never been classified among the Great. The more Grateful you are…The Greater you become. Be Grateful! – Femi Adediran

Why Are You Bitter?

  • Bitterness is not necessarily about what people do or didn’t do to us, but Its about the dagger we have drawn through our own soul! – Femi Adediran,  2019
  • A bitter man is a man of sorrow because he is an apologetic – Femi Adediran,  2019
  • A bitter man is a potential devil capable of any evil because when bitterness settles in the soul of a man, it distillates into corrosive intentions making his vision becomes blurry and his heart becomes rusty…anybody can be his victim…- Femi Adediran, 2019
  • We are bitter because we have been bitten and it becomes so painful because we feel beaten, bruised, Battered and burned – Femi Adediran, 2019
  • Some people are even bitter against God because He seems to answer other people’s prayers but theirs… – Femi Adediran, 2019

Nothing makes a man paralytic and paranoid like bitterness. Bitterness weakens a man’s bone and deadens the cell that carries the blood of and for life and living. Cancer is deadly but Bitterness is deadlier. It kills slowly yet so fast. A bitter man is like a working corpse, though walking but dead.

  • Bitterness poisons the soul of a man and drain the life of his spirit
  • Bitterness is like erosion in the soul causing it to become gully and guttered
  • Bitterness is a multilayered emotion…a mixture of anger, disappointment and fear

A bitter man is a potential devil capable of any evil because when bitterness settles in the soul of a man, it distillates into corrosive intentions making his vision becomes blurry and his heart becomes rusty…anybody can be his victim…

A bitter man is a potential Assassin! A potential rapist! A potential villain and a potential Robber! A bitter man rarely gets better because bitterness takes away your GOOD and strips you of your BEST and because you can only consolidate on your good to become better. Bitter people rarely attain their best in life. A bitter man is a man of sorrow because he is an apologetic.

Bitter people are best at transferring aggression. Everything and anything is an object of attack of their anger. They belong to the class of people you “relate with carefully” so you don’t trigger their anger because everybody and everything irritates them

Usually, a bitter man is governed only by one law – the law of revenge an eye for an eye. They seek to revenge all the time. They always desire to make someone else suffer. Bitter people spew their inner hurt and anger by saying and doing things that hurt the feelings of others, exhibiting ruthless verbal and emotional cruelty. We are bitter because we have been bitten and it becomes so painful because we feel beaten, bruised, Battered and burned

Somehow, it seems everything and everybody is designed to make us bitter…The economy situation, you’re various associations. Your spouse, your kids, your parents, your perceived enemies and your so called friends too. Some people are even bitter against God because He seems to answer other people’s prayers but theirs.

Bitterness is a product of unforgiveness, envy, irritation, jealousy, cheating, unfulfilled dreams. The list can just be inexhaustible.

 We are bitter because:

  • we expect so  much from other people and they let us down
  • The economy is unfavourable
  • People fail to help us
  • Others seems to be succeeding while we are not
  • Things are tough
  • Our children are not living up to our expectations
  • Our friends betrayed us
  • Someone dear to us is sick
  • Things are not looking up
  • We Lose our job

We sometimes and many times don’t have enough and often at times we don’t even know why we are bitter. Bitterness is not necessarily about what people do or didn’t do to us, but it’s about the dagger we have drawn through our own soul!

We all have genuine reasons to be bitter because it is humane to be. Bitterness is manifested in malice keeping, unfriendliness, tantrum throwing, being withdrawn, self-pity, transfer of aggression, anger, low self-esteem, irritation, attention seeking, hating cheerful people and so on and so forth.

How do you get over Bitterness?

  • Be deliberate in your responses and reactions to life. You can say something like ” I choose to be positive in all situations”, “I choose to laugh when I’m expected to cry” “I chose to be friendly when I’m expected to be unhappy and hostile”, I choose to sing when I’m expected to mourn”
  • Be prayerful, empty your heart to God all the time. Tell God what got at you…it saves your heart unnecessary burden
  • Adopt the principle of advance forgiveness. Be proactive. The world is designed for your offense. Forgive before the offense
  • Curtail your expectations. Make enough allowances for non-performance. This is wisdom
  • Live a thankful life. Be thankful in all situations. You can only get better therewith.

Bitterness will kill your inspirations and suffocate your aspirations…Be warned!

 Femi Adediran…olufire nooni

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