The Linking Bridge Between The Consitution & The Law

The Constitution…The Law…

Personal laws are the premise on which Greatness is hinged. Conventiona. l laws at best puts you in a general class – Femi Adediran, January 2020

Lawlessness is not in the city, but lawlessness exists first and foremost in our hearts…When we have the law written in our hearts then the city will be free from Lawlessness- Femi Adediran, January 2020

…We are only free to the extent that we are ready to obey the law. True freedom is obedience to the law .- Femi Adediran, January 2020

Make your own rules

Establish your own fundamentals

Write your own constitution

Make your own Laws

Make your life Governance personal

Until you make your own rules, you will live under the weight of the rules of others

The only way to rule in the world is to first and foremost rule in your own world

No law is as powerful and potent as personal law.

If you can successfully establish personal laws and live by them, every other laws becomes easy

When you make and live by your own rules, every other rules becomes easy to obey

Personal laws are the premise on which Greatness is hinged. Conventional laws at best puts you in a general class

We cringe under the weight of conventional law because we have no personal laws…because we have not written our own personal constitution

Lawlessness is not in the city, but lawlessness exists first and foremost in our hearts…When we have the law written in our hearts then the city will be free from Lawlessness

When a man is “Lawless”…he can at best live a low life

Personal constitution easily spur a man to promotion in life

And what are personal constitution or personal laws?

They are the bond under which you have deliberately brought yourself so you can ultimately become free

And We are only free to the extent that we are ready to obey the law. True freedom is obedience to the law.

The law is not a bond in itself but he who breaks the law becomes bond under the law

That is why every man must make the law that he must obey because until you obey your own law…conventional law will perpetually be a burden to you…

Personal law simply places the power to obey the right in your palms

Personal law limits the power of conventional law over you

Conventional Law versus Personal law

A conventional law could state that it has to be 2 cubes of sugar, personal law could say it is one cube for me

Conventional law could say, you must be up by 5am…personal law could say it is 4.30am for me

Conventional law could say it has to be three times a day, personal law could say it would be twice for me

The tougher the personal law, the easier conventional law becomes

If you truly wants to be free, make and obey your own law first and foremost

And you can only become free to the extent you are able to obey your personal law. Freedom only comes by obedient to the law, the constitution

When you are able to obey your own constitution, you will eventually become a constituted authority!

Femi Adediran…olufire Naa ni
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