Relationship Management (4) – Relating with Your Child(ren)


Do not raise your children to fear you, rather raise your children to respect you. You can only fear what you respect! – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Be your children’s number one mentor. Nothing can be more fulfilling – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Children are easily deceived, children are easily convinced. It’s up to every parent to either build their children’s conviction or leave them to be deceived by the world – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Our children may not be so good at following our instructions, but they are best at following in our footsteps – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Relationship ManagementBe the learning hub for your children, teach them what is good, and show them what is bad. Let them know sex is good and sweet but it can also be abused and destructive. Do not be afraid or ashamed to teach or show your children anything and everything. And if you fail in this responsibility, they will find out anyway and you may be shocked who their teacher may eventually be – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Celebrate your children so much that they are overly confident to take on the world anywhere! – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

There are no formulae for raising any child. You must be willing enough to explore your child peculiarity and possibilities – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Encourage your children to tell you their dreams no matter how foolish it seems. Don’t ever tell them it’s impossible to achieve. Show them how they can make their dream a reality. They will be confident to pursue their heart desires – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Keep “secrets” with your children. They will be confident to keep their secrets with you too. It’s a test of their integrity and loyalty. Integrity will make them keep your secret. Loyalty will make them tell you theirs – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

The day you lose your child is the day you start comparing him with other “better children”. God can only give you the best! – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

If you think child-raising is a part-time job, you must be one of the world renowned jokers. If you are not ready to raise your children, “full time”, pls do not impregnate your wife! – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

The teacher may be able to teach your child, you must be able to train your child. Teaching is the impartation of knowledge. Training is the impartation of life wisdom – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Child Abuse may be child molestation, Child Abuse may be child exploitation, Child Abuse may be child perversion. But, a truly abused Child is the child with the wrong orientation who walks about with a distorted view of life.

Our children may not be so good at following our instructions, but they are best at following in our footsteps.

If you really really want to win in life, build a formidable team with your children. Launch your children after you.

Be the learning hub for your children, teach them what is good, and show them what is bad. Let them know sex is good and sweet but it can also be abused and destructive. Do not be afraid or ashamed to teach or show your children anything and everything. And if you fail in this responsibility, they will find out anyway and you may be shocked who their teacher may eventually be.Relationship Management

Children are easily deceived, children are easily convinced. It’s up to every parent to either build their children conviction or leave them to be deceived by the world.

Love your children enough to discipline them. In the end, it would surprise you to find out that most children love their parents who discipline them when they were younger.

Children are not raised by chance but by deliberate choice and intended structural planning.

To raise your children “effectively”, be their friend, perhaps their best friend.

It is easy to pray well if we can play well. Play with your children and you will see how they will be willing to jump into praying with you

Children don’t necessarily grow because we gave them food, children grow when beyond the food we give them the wing to fly. They grow when they are not afraid to go up because their parent encourage them to do so.

To be a parent:

  •  You must be a Trainer
  •  You must be a Teacher
  •  You must be a President
  •  You must be a Driver
  •  You must be a Clergyman
  •  You must be a Caregiver
  •  You must be a Singer
  •  You must be an Artist
  •  You must be Everything

Do everything and anything with your children so much that you will become their reference point for almost everything and anything. If possible, go with your children to your place of work and let them see where you work even if you are a bricklayer, they will love you more and respect you for it.

Relationship ManagementKeep “secrets” with your children. They will be confident to keep their secrets with you too. It’s a test of their integrity and loyalty. Integrity will make them keep your secret. Loyalty will make them tell you theirs.

There are no formulae for raising any child. You must be willing enough to explore your child peculiarity and possibilities.

The day you lose your child is the day you start comparing him with other “better children”. God can only give you the best!

Even at old age, do not stop being your children’s father and mother. Parenting is a lifelong journey. Be the reason your children can come home when and if they miss their way and be the home your children can come to.

Don’t raise your children because of you, raise your children for themselves. It is called freedom. Your children will be free to be your children and you will be free to be their father and mother.

Parents are the greatest confidence booster for a child. Always remind your child he is the best.

Children sometimes don’t turn out as expected…as trained. Keep loving your child indeed and for real. Love still remains the best weapon. It helps you to pray aright even for your child.

One of the greatest mistakes we can make as parents is to vent our frustration on our children, transferring our aggression on them. We would only end up killing the hope that is in them. Your frustration becomes a life perspective for your child.

Every parent must be wise enough to know how to fight and how to play with their children. It is what gives them the courage to remain your friend.

Our children are not just our “carbon copy” but our “certified true copy”. Parents should strive to be the “Original” copy that they are expected to be.

Do not raise your children to fear you, raise your children to respect you. You can only fear what you respect!

  •  Every father is a scientist
  •  Every mother is a scientist
  •  Science is about experiments
  •  Experiment with your child

Experiment loyalty, integrity, creativity, magnanimity, and everything good with them. Pay good attention to your child. Work so long on your child until you can give the world another atomic bomb!

If all you ever achieve in life  is to raise a godly and a goodly child, you are one of few great men in the achievers’ hall of fame.

If you think child-raising is a part-time job, you must be one of the world-renown jokers. If you are not ready to raise your children, “full time”, pls do not impregnate your wife!

Fingers may not be equal but each one is unique, so are our children. Reach out for uniqueness in each of your child(ren) so they can grow with the least sense of inferiority complex.

Be your children’s number one mentor. Nothing can be more fulfilling.

You cannot “force” your child to respect or obey you. You can only “make” your child respect or obey you. “Forcing” is anybody’s job. “Making” is your own job.

The teacher may be able to teach your child, you must be able to train your child. Teaching is the impartation of knowledge. Training is the impartation of life wisdom. Relationship Management

Talk or relate with your children as they can be. Relate with your children as if they are adults, they grow up faster this way. Ask your children for advice on life issues, business matters. It will shock you that they have answers, Right answers!

Children are raw materials, the cheapest you can get anywhere! Every parent has the golden opportunity to decide on and mold a life!

Give your children assignments that are higher than them. It won’t kill them. They will only be stretched until they realized that nothing is unreachable in life.

You can not teach children respect. You can only show them respect. “Show” them respect by respecting your spouse and everyone around you. Respect your children as well and they will naturally be respectful.

Work hard (and smart) enough so much that your children will naturally respect you.

The best gift a father can give to his children is to love their mum.

Live so well before your kids so that when they think of kindness and sweetness, you will be the first to come to mind.

Teach your children the value of money so they don’t become valueless because of money.

Relationship ManagementYour Children can only take after you.

Cry before your child if need be, laugh with them when occasion calls for it, it develops their heart capacity for situations of life. Nothing will be a rude “shock again”.

Be parents with emotions before your children. Be real. Let them know when you are happy, let them know when you are sad, let them know when you are sick, let them know when you are healthy. Nothing makes a child more human.

Demonstrate love in your home so much that it becomes very difficult for your children not to have a loving home too.

Be your children’s friends when they are young so they can be your friend when you are old.

Spare the rod and spoil the child but sometimes the rod ends up spoiling the child when we use the wrong one. Different rod for different child.

Celebrate your children so much that they are overly confident to take on the world anywhere!

Encourage your children to tell you their dreams no matter how foolish it seems. Don’t ever tell them it’s impossible to achieve. Show them how they can make their dream a reality. They will be confident to pursue their heart desires.

You need two important gist mates, your spouse, and your kids.

Your heart is essentially built for 4 beings; 1. Your God 2. Your Spouse 3. Your children 4. Others

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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