Those who manipulates others, avoid them!

They are modern day witches and wizard, they always intimidate others to control their life. The least you want for your life is for someone else to be in the driver seat. Get away from manipulators however highly placed they may be and take charge of your own destiny!

Those who beats their wife or their husband, avoid them!

To beat your your wife or husband is the highest expression of madness. Such people can kill anybody, don’t just avoid them, run away from them before they kill you!*

Those who bring nothing to the table, avoid them

Some people are users. All they want is to get with nothing to offer. If you stay too long with them, they will drain you until you become like them, empty and emptied!

1 Those Whose Problems have become their song, avoid them!

We all have problems, no doubt. Problems can be transferred, the more we talk about them the more they spread like virus. Rather than singing about your problems everywhere, pray, think of solutions and take action even if it means eating the humble pie

2. Those who bring nothing to the table, avoid them

Some people are users. All they want is to get with nothing to offer. If you stay too long with them, they will drain you until you become like them, empty and emptied!

3. Those Who does not have respect for values, avoid them!

There is no wealth that surpasses value. No matter the amount of money you have, if you don’t have value, a poor man who has value is richer than you. Value is what sustains wealth. Stay away from people who does not have value, otherwise you will soon become poor like them

4. People who are always saying negative things about other people, avoid them!

Those who are always in the habit of putting other people down never amount to anything. Each time we put others down, we are only making room for ourselves at the bottom. Putting others down might seem sweet and justifiable initially but it always end in bitterness and condemnation. Be wary of company of such people

5. Those who make excuse for their failures, avoid them!

The easiest thing to make in the world are excuses that’s why the world is full of them. Some people are expert at making these excuses to their own ruin. Anybody that wants to reign in life knows that excuses ruin good prospects. If you know anyone who loves to make excuses, Pls unfriend them before they pass the excuse virus to you and you ruin your reign in life

6. Those who manipulates others, avoid them!

They are modern day witches and wizard, they always intimidate others to control their life. The least you want for your life is for someone else to be in the driver seat. Get away from manipulators however highly placed they may be and take charge of your own destiny!

7 Those who are negative about everything, the pessimists, avoid them!

These people knows one thousand and one reasons why things won’t work and cannot identify at least one reason why things can work. They carry negative energy everywhere.

8. Those who beats their wife or their husband, avoid them!

To beat your your wife or husband is the highest expression of madness. Such people can kill anybody, don’t just avoid them, run away from them before they kill you!

9. Those who can read but do not read, avoid them!

If they can read but do not read, excuse yourself from their company otherwise you may end up at the back of the world like them!
If you must be relevant in your world, Reading is not optional, its a must! You must have self enlisted curriculum according to the demand of your vision.
If you are not moving with readers, you have not started your journey of greatness yet

10. Those who do not pray, avoid them!

“Prayer is the master key” they say, why won’t you be in the company of those who have this master key while you also hold yours?
A prayerless man is a dangerous man! They are always full of themselves and can be highly volatile!
Apart from getting answers from God, prayers prepare you for all situations of life.
Be sure your friend is praying so you don’t become prayerless like them