Relationship Management (3)

  • Relating with Your Spouse
  • Relating With Your Children
  • Relating with your family
  • Relating with your friends
  • Relating with Followers/Leaders
  • Relating with Business Associates
  • Relating with God

Until you decide that your marriage has come to stay, you will always find reasons to quit! – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Until your spouse becomes your next of kin, your marriage certificate is only a mere paper and your marriage is only an advanced Boyfriend and Girlfriend relationship -Femi Adediran, October 2021.

If you think your spouse is a witch then you be the “Wizard” so your children can be “Wizkids” – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Love your spouse enough that you show him/her respect everywhere you go. The most honorable thing to do is to respect your spouse before your friends – Femi Adediran, October 2021,

We are all are devils, we all are angels, “who” we manifest at a point in time is largely about who we meet. When angels meet other angels, they behave like angels and when the devil meets other devils, all hell will be let loose. Whatever your spouse manifest is who you are. Your spouse can only mirror you -Femi Adediran, October 2021.

In science, the opposite attracts. In life, likes attracts. You will only attract your kind. It takes a big fool to attract another fool, and a “Super Stupid Person” to recognize another stupid person. We are as dumb as our dumb spouse and as intelligent as our intelligent spouse. You can only marry your kind – Femi Adediran, October 2021.

Until you decide that your marriage has come to stay, you will always find reasons to quit!

Make it a point of duty to be the one to make your spouse smile and laugh Every day. The magic works!

Love your spouse enough that you show him/her respect everywhere you go. The most honorable thing to do is to respect your spouse before your friends.

It takes “Jokers” to have fun in marriage. You must be humorous enough that TV will become boring to your spouse.

Marriage is not for the “serious-minded” but for the “simple-minded” who knows that you really have to be “unserious” to be “serious”.

If your spouse is not your best friend, you don’t have any business being married.

Relationship ManagementIn science, the opposite attracts. In life, likes attracts. You will only attract your kind. It takes a big fool to attract another fool, and a “Super Stupid Person” to recognize another stupid person. We are as dumb as our dumb spouse and as intelligent as our intelligent spouse. You can only marry your kind.

Until your spouse becomes your next of kin, your marriage certificate is only a mere paper and your marriage is only an advanced Boyfriend and Girlfriend relationship.

We are all are devils, we all are angels, “who” we manifest at a point in time is largely about who we meet. When angels meet other angels, they behave like angels and when the devil meets other devils, all hell will be let loose. Whatever your spouse manifest is who you are. Your spouse can only mirror you.

If you think your spouse is a witch then you be the “Wizard” so your children can be “Wizkids”

The bedrock for any marriage is not loving, essentially. It is TRUST. If you cannot trust him with your eyes closed, do not even attempt to marry him. If you cannot trust him with your life, do not marry him. Love only thrives where there is trust.

Marriage doesn’t work we must only work it out.

Marrying an angel does not guarantee success in marriage. And a devilish partner is not a confirmation of marriage failure. What works is what we work at. If your marriage must work, you must work at it. A successful marriage is hard work!Relationship Management

Marriage is a covenant. Marriage is a contract. Marriage is a business. Marriage is a school. Marriage is a field. Marriage is a sport. Until our marriage becomes everything to us, we stand the risk of losing everything.

It is good to seek counsel but be wary of reporting your spouse to every dick and Harry, the crack most often gets wider.

And I say this to men: Do not ever beat your wife. Do not attempt it. It’s an animal instinct.

Nobody and I repeat nobody can fix your marriage for you but God and you. The man you run to is grappling with serious issues in his own marriage too.

If you can fix it, it can become befitting.

Dress your spouse the way YOU want to be addressed. We all have a responsibility for transforming our spouse from good to the best.

You may be jealous of your spouse but don’t become possessive so much that you eventually “lose” him/her.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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