Relationship Management (3)

Relating with Your Spouse Relating With Your Children Relating with your family Relating with your friends Relating with Followers/Leaders Relating with Business Associates Relating with God Until you decide that your marriage has come to stay, you will always find reasons to quit! – Femi Adediran, October 2021. Until your spouse becomes your next of…

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Relationship Management (2)

The stronger, the smarter, and the better person in any relationship is the man who calls the truce first. The weak do not know how to “stop fighting” – Femi Adediran, October 2021. If your relationship must last, you must be careful enough to respect boundaries. You must be able to distinctly differentiate between Official…

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Relationship Management (1)

 People are walls. People are Gates!  People are roadblock, people are road access  People are possibilities. People are impossibilities  People are assets. People are liabilities  People are gods, people are demons. What you got is what you sought for! The shortest distance between your dream and the reality of your dream is Relationships – Femi…

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More than Enough! (2)

Your Life mandate is to deliver on YOU! – Femi Adediran, September 2021. Work so much “ON” YOU so that YOU can work “AT” YOU. You can become your own workplace. You are an industry,  you are your own biggest employer! – Femi Adediran, September 2021. If you are still in doubt of your capabilities,…

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