Living With Me

The most liberating truth is the truth you tell yourself, truthfully – Femi Adediran, January 2022. Success is about who you are and not necessarily about what you have. Give a poor man 100million Dollars, he will still end up poor! Because who you are in the security for what you have. Your number one…

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Behind every smile you see, there is a fight. If you are fighting so well, keep smiling so well. It’s a sign of victory! – Femi Adediran, December 2021. Ask every champion you know, they have been on “Trouble Diet” for their breakfast. If you want to be a champion, then, Get ready for trouble!…

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 To respect the young is humility  To respect the aged is Blessing  To respect your mate is self confidence  To respect nobody is self-destruction – Femi Adediran, 2020 Impact brings respect. The greater your impact the greater your respect. If you want to be respected, make impact – Femi Adediran, 2020 Every respectable and responsible…

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Some people say women are devils but i say it takes a devil to recognize another devil! Think about it The formular to raise great children is to love your wife, indeed! Eve did not give Adam the Apple because she wanted to deceive him; she gave him the apple simply because its in the…

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Managing Relationships (2)

Your most precious possessions are your relationships – Femi Adediran, 2020 Wherever there is relationships, there must be issues, even in heaven “there was war” – Femi Adediran, 2020 Relationship thrives on forgiveness…continuous forgiveness. Where and when we stop forgiving, we stop relating – Femi Adediran, 2020 Don’t be in haste to quit your relationships,…

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Relationship Management (3)

Relating with Your Spouse Relating With Your Children Relating with your family Relating with your friends Relating with Followers/Leaders Relating with Business Associates Relating with God Until you decide that your marriage has come to stay, you will always find reasons to quit! – Femi Adediran, October 2021. Until your spouse becomes your next of…

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