To respect the young is humility

 To respect the aged is Blessing

 To respect your mate is self confidence

 To respect nobody is self-destruction – Femi Adediran, 2020

Impact brings respect. The greater your impact the greater your respect. If you want to be respected, make impact – Femi Adediran, 2020

Every respectable and responsible parent should take up the responsibility and the challenge to train and impart their children to respect others. This is the only way to preserve our “Biological heritage”. Respect or lack of it is first and foremost a “biological heritage” before it becomes a “cultural heritage”- Femi Adediran, 2020

If we look well after our “biological heritage” (What our children learn and inherit from us either by DNA transfer or by daily life interaction) our “cultural heritage” will take care of itself “naturally”- Femi Adediran, 2020

Respect your spouse, this is one great honour you can do yourself- Femi Adediran, 2020

Respect people especially on a first meeting, whether you know their antecedents or not, whether they are nice looking or shabby looking…You can never tell who is who, you  have just done yourself a favour- Femi Adediran, 2020

If and when you are privileged to help others, do not disrespect them. Give them respect because they were sincere enough to ask for help. One day you could also be in their shoes- Femi Adediran, 2020

Respect people who are bold enough to disagree with you. Disagreement is not tantamount to disrespect, it only means that they are bold enough to be truthful with you – Femi Adediran, 2020

Whatever you do ,wherever you  be,  whoever you  become, however good or bad your situation  be…Make it your life Golden Rule to RESPECT PEOPLE. Respect could be your greatest assets and it could be your biggest defect. Respect people not primarily because of their age or their grade but because they deserve it. And If you really want to be respected, work for it. Respect can only be earned and not demanded . No man who demands respect actually deserves it

It becomes a well-deserved respect because you “worked for it”. It is disrespect in itself to be respected out of demand for respect. When you constantly demand to be respected, it’s a clear indicator that you had probably lost it. Respect is give and take. You can only “take” what you give. Those who cannot give respect are those who have lost it to pride, arrogance and inverted ego.

  • To respect the young is humility
  • To respect the aged is Blessing
  • To respect your mate is self confidence
  • To respect nobody is self-destruction

Until you respect yourself, nobody will respect you. Your value is what determines your respect and who will respect you. Impact brings respect. The greater your impact the greater your respect. If you want to be respected, make impact. Respect is reciprocal so also is lack of it. Respect people who are bold enough to disagree with you. Disagreement is not tantamount to disrespect, it only means that they are bold enough to be truthful with you

Respect can only beget respect. It is a great service to teach and train our children to respect others, they grow up to become men and women of honour because the path of respect is the path of honour. Children who grew up with no sense of respect eventually grow up not only to become a disgrace to themselves but also to their parents. Every respectable and responsible parent should take up the responsibility and the challenge to train and impart their children to respect others. This is the only way to preserve our “Biological heritage”. Respect or lack of it is first and foremost a “biological heritage” before it becomes a “cultural heritage”

If we look well after our “biological heritage” (What our children learn and inherit from us either by DNA transfer or by daily life interaction) our “cultural heritage” will take care of itself “naturally”. Disrespectful parents can only raise disrespectful children because your offspring can only be your replica either in look, attitude or behaviour. So, when next your child act disrespectfully, check with yourself as well. Every parent must be firm enough to teach their children respect.

And If your children disrespect you, it is a monumental shame on you. You just failed a test of good parenting!  Respect people in spite their misdemeanor. It is your personal insurance if and when your own “character fails” in your unguarded moment. You can only reap what you sow according to the “two edge sword” Law of karma. Do not respect people out of fear, rather respect people out of personal recognition of their values and impact made

Only God is to be feared and men are to be respected. Do not misplace one for the other. We begin to fear men when we idolize them. This is nothing but Idolatory bigot. Every respect truly is associated “with some kind of fear”. This is no “mortal fear” but the fear of not losing the respect of the very men we respect. If and when you are privileged to help others, do not disrespect them. Give them respect because they were sincere enough to ask for help. One day you could also be in their shoes.

  • Respect men of God, only the anointing you respect works for you
  • Respect people especially on a first meeting, whether you know their antecedents or not, whether they are nice looking or shabby looking. You can never tell who is who, you  have just done yourself a favour
  • Do not be partial in giving respect. Accord same respect you will give a CEO, same respect to a cleaner. In life, tables turn too fast
  • Respect constituted authorities, its a prove of how responsible you are.
  • Respect your spouse, this is one great honour you can do yourself

 And If you really desire to be Great in life, respect for others must be in your kitty always!

 Femi Adediran…olufire nooni

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