One Man’s Food, another Man’s Poison

What is good for the goose sometimes is not good for the gander – Femi Adediran, 2020.

That it is a well-beaten path does not make it the right path. Errors are most easily duplicated – Femi Adediran, 2020.

We are only fulfilled when we can truly say that we are happy and making others happy – Femi Adediran, 2020.

There is a path of fulfillment for your feet, do your due diligence, find it and walk in it – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Get your own Vision. Find your own Revelation. Explore your own passion. Nothing can be easier – Femi Adediran, 2020

What is good for the goose sometimes is not good for the gander. That it works for them does not mean it’s going to work for you. That it looks good on them does not mean it would fit you. That it is a well beaten path does not make it the right path. Errors are most easily duplicated. There is a path of fulfilment for your feet, do your due diligence, find it and walk in it.

One Man’s food is another man’s poison. There is a food that satisfies only your own soul. Until you find and eat it, you will never be filled. Your food  not be popular but it is your own special delicacy. When you are on the right diet, you will be fit for life. Fulfillment is first and foremost personal before it becomes general

  • What gives others fulfilment  not give you fulfillment
  • What satisfies others  not be for your satisfaction
  • What satisfies you is what is good for your soul

Don’t do it because everyone or someone is doing it, do it because that is what you are meant to do. Don’t make other people’s preferences your priority. Get your own Vision. Find your own Revelation. Explore your own passion. Nothing can be easier. Following others might appear shorter but it is always a long route to personal freedom. We are perpetually enslaved when we cannot find our own path. Getting it right might take a while but it worth the trouble of living enslaved

Sometimes we get it right by trials and error. Whatever it takes, don’t stop until you get it right. We are only fulfilled when we can truly say that we are happy and making other’s happy.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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