Shallow Mindedness

The only boundaries around our lives are the ones created by our shallow mind – Femi Adediran, 2020.

When competing with others becomes a sport for you, it’s a chronic sign of shallow-mindedness because the one person to compete with is you and until you beat you to it, you cannot beat others – Femi Adediran, 2020.

A shallow mind is a closed mind. A closed mind is a closed life. No amount of help will suffice -Femi Adediran, 2020.

The most difficult person to help is a man with a closed mind. Even when you are helping him he thinks he is helpless – Femi Adediran, 2020.

To get more out of life, expand your mind. To expand your coast, expand your mind. To expand your business, expand your mind. To expand your finance, expand your mind. To expand your fortune, expand your mind. To expand your ministry, expand your mind. To expand your future, expand your mind. To break free from poverty, expand your mind. To expand your breakthrough, expand your mind. To win in the world, expand your mind  – Femi Adediran, 2020.

The larger your heart, the bigger your earth – Femi Adediran, 2020.

All you will ever possess and own is in the capacity of your mind -Femi Adediran, 2020.

It is difficult for a shallow-minded man to experience heaven on earth because heaven is too far for him to be a reality – Femi Adediran, 2020.

A shallow mind is Suspicious, poisonous, preponderous, contemptuous, contentious, assumptions, dangerous and cancerous – Femi Adediran,  2020.

A shallow mind is a closed mind – closed to possibilities and opportunities. A shallow mind is a closed mind. A closed mind is a closed life. No amount of help will suffice. The most difficult person to help is a man with a closed mind. Even when you are helping him he thinks he is helpless. A shallow mind can only play in shallow waters. When a shallow mind attempt to play in deep waters, it becomes drown and suffocated. The only boundaries around our lives are the ones created by our shallow minds. When a well is shallow, the water is not so clean. The shallower your mind, the more vulnerable you become.

A man with a shallow mind has limited vision. He cannot see afar off, his sight is short. Ideas don’t thrive in a shallow mind, they rather die for lack of water, “water of life”. You think low of yourself when you are shallow-minded. The shallow mind cannot comprehend the deep things of life. To a shallow mind, everything is a mystery. The deeper your mind, the better your outlook on life. Shallow minds see others as they are and not as they can be. When competing with others becomes a sport for you, it’s a chronic sign of shallow-mindedness because the one person to compete with is you and until you beat you to it, you cannot beat others.

A shallow mind is easily intimidated and always in contention because he is not secured in his place. A shallow minded man live in his own small world created by his own shallow thinking. It is difficult for a shallow minded man to experience heaven on earth because heaven is too far for him to be a reality. The larger your heart, the bigger your earth. All you will ever possess and own is in the capacity of your mind. A shallow mind is Suspicious, poisonous, preponderous, contemptuous, contentious, assumptions, dangerous and cancerous.

  • To get more out of life, expand your mind
  • To expand your coast, expand your mind
  • To expand your business, expand your mind
  • To expand your finance, expand your mind
  • To expand your fortune, expand your mind
  • To expand your ministry, expand your mind
  • To expand your future, expand your mind
  • To break free from poverty, expand your mind
  • To expand your breakthrough, expand your mind
  • To win in the world, expand your mind

How to overcome shallow mindedness?

  • Read books. Read Books. Read Books
  • Do not stop learning. Be in a class all the time.
  • Meet regularly with people who differ in opinion from you
  • Meditate
  • Memorize
  • Speak up in a group. Make intelligent contribution
  • Travel to places you have not been to
  • Attempt “impossibilities”

Avoid the company of a shallow-minded man else he will infect you with his shallow-mindedness. A shallow mind is a shallow life, poor and lackluster,

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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