If things are not working in your life presently, check who you have been talking with, our life cannot be better than our communication. You need to change your communication for a changed life – Femi Adediran, 2020.
Let your communication be guided by the demand of your destination – Femi Adediran, 2020.
Rich men don’t talk with every “dick and harry” because they have realized the power of “Break-In Communication”. They know how quickly wrong communication can multiply poverty and how quickly right communication can multiply wealth. Choose your communication wisely – Femi Adediran, 2020.
Resolution is utterly useless when you are in communication with the wrong Association! – Femi Adediran, 2020.
Do the working, let your result do the talking. Do not complain. Do not explain – Femi Adediran, 2020.
Our deliverance is never complete until our communication changes – Femi Adediran, 2020.
To get to your destination in life, there are people you must stop talking to (immediately), places you must stop going to, associations you must quit. If your transition must be seamless, you need a break in communication from “many things” and from “many people” – Femi Adediran, 2020.
Resolution is utterly useless when you are in communication with the wrong Association! Our deliverance is never complete until our communication changes. Communication with wrong people is destiny destructive. Wrong communication is like a bump, it breaks your speed and it will eventually break you down at the threshold of your breakthrough. The earlier you enter the “Break in communication mode”, the better for you.
Rich men don’t talk with every “dick and harry” because they have realized the power of “Break In Communication”. They know how quickly wrong communication can multiply poverty and how quickly right communication can multiply wealth. Choose your communication wisely. Let your communication be guided by the demand of your destination. More often than not, interesting communication are not always profiting and profiting communication are not always interesting. Be careful not to give up what is compatible for what is convenient
Until your communication changes, your direction will not change. The key to Focus is communication. Until you break some communication. Wrong communications, you will never be able to travel the journey of destiny at full speed! To get to your destination in life, there are people you must stop talking to (immediately), places you must stop going to, Association you must quit. If your transition must be seamless, you need a break in communication from “many things” and “many people”.
Every communication you get into either reinforce your conviction or make you lose it. The more you communicate with some people, the more you become distanced from your vision and the less you communicate with some people, the more your vision looks admirable. It’s up to you to decide. It is a lot easier to follow through with your resolution when you are in the right communication. If things are not working in your life presently, check who you have been talking with, our life cannot be better than our communication. You need to change your communication for a changed life
There are people you MUST stop “talking” with (Immediately!). You must break your communication with them not out of malice but because your communication with them is a big distraction on your way to your destination. You must love yourself enough to quit irrelevant communication. Destiny is not a sentiment game else it becomes a detriment end. Destiny is not a respecter of person. Do the working, let your result do the talking. Do not complain. Do not explain. Communication is a big distraction when you are talking with the wrong person.
Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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