The Mathematics Of Things: The Mathematics Of Life

When a man is aware of his freedom, he can never be bound no more. He  be put in prison, yet he is a free man. Because physical chain is useless where the inner man, the heart is unchained – Femi Adediran, 2020

In mathematics, mistakes are expected, mistakes are made and mistakes are corrected accordingly…this is life Ideally – Femi Adediran, 2020

SUBTRACTION : To take away. Some things and people take too much away from you. They reduce your value at every point of contact . The earlier you do away with them, the better for you else you will soon be reduced to nothing. Don’t let sentiments take away your sense of reasoning. You must be separated from some things and people else you will soon become separated from your destiny – Femi Adediran, 2020

In mathematics, figure manipulation is possible and you  get the answer but when your workings are checked, you  as well get ready to lose your “Reward” . Mathematics has proved to us that in life, the end does not always justify the means . That a man lives with good things does not mean he led a great life.- Femi Adediran,  2020

When we are internally divided, we cannot be externally fulfilled. Not until you are at peace with yourself will you be at peace with others – Femi Adediran,  2020

And Until we understand that the mathematics of things and of life is about understanding the basic, we will surfer perpetually from the disillusionment of mysteriousness – Femi Adediran,  2020

You  have failed mathematics in School. Do not fail the mathematics of life. If you can grasp the concept of mathematics, you can grasp the concept of life itself. There is a freedom in mathematics that allows you to substitute and eliminate, to combine and permutate until you arrive at the right answer. So also in life every man is bonded to the degree of the realization of his own freedom.

When a man is aware of his freedom, he can never be bound no more. He  be put in prison, yet he is a free man. Because physical chain is useless where the inner man, the heart is unchained. The mathematics of things and of life have nothing to do with accuracy or precision but our ability to internationalize its concept and apply its principles. Profiting in life is about knowing and understanding how to apply the basic principles of figures and numbers. Mathematics will make you conversant with life and living.

Mathematics is about the basics. Ask any man who is struggling with “their mathematics”, they will probably tell you they had a “wicked math Teacher” during their elementary school years. In essence they never grasp the basic. Our life would either become complex or complicated in direct proportion to our basic understanding of life itself. The Basic can only demystify the complex. When the basic meets the complex, “simple” is the result. And Until we understand that the mathematics of things and of life is about understanding the basic, we will surfer perpetually from the disillusionment of mysteriousness.

There’s a basic principle/formula in mathematics called BODMAS. This principle is fundamental to all Mathematics calculations. When you know how to apply BODMAS in all your calculations, you are not likely not to get your calculations right. BODMAS is acronym of BRACKET OFF DIVISION MULTIPLICATION ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION. This formula is basic to life itself. If you can internalize and apply its principles, your profiting will soon appear to all.

BRACKET ( ): This is an enclosure, a boundary, a grouping. Know your limitations and boundaries. You cannot be and do everything. You can only be effective in your area of strength. This is also your circle of influence. Know your area of impact and explore it. Life is about boundary recognition and staying within yours.

OFF O: It also means multiplication but gives priority to what is in the bracket, these are exponentials or roots of what is in the bracket. Basically, life is about priority setting. You  have one thousand and one things before you, everything  look important, but first thing must be first thing else you will end up “coming last”. Know where your energy is mostly needed now to avoid “minimizing your possibilities”. When we fail to prioritize, our good deprives us of our better and our better kills our best.

DIVISION ÷ :  This is Breaking Down into parts. Every man must be able to recognize what divides his energy and break his focus. What takes away your concentration. Division is not altogether what happens between us and other people but what happens within us as well.  When we are internally divided, we cannot be externally fulfilled. Not until you are at peace with yourself will you be at peace with others.

MULTIPLICATION × : Number increase in a group. We all must know the multipliers of our lives. Something and some people simply multiply our efforts. We must be able to identify these things and people if we really want to get ahead faster in life.  Your multipliers will make you do less for more.

ADDDITION + : Increasing in value arithmetically. Identify and know the things that add value to you. Value addition is key to relevancy in life. The higher your value, the more relevant you become

SUBTRACTION – : To take away. Some things and people take too much away from you. They reduce your value at every point of contact. The earlier you do away with them, the better for you else you will soon be reduced to nothing. Don’t let sentiments take away your sense of reasoning. You must be separated from some things and people else you will soon become separated from your destiny

Any man that truly love life  will love mathematics because mathematics is simply life expressed in figures. Until you are familiar with life figures, good result  constantly elude you. Know your figure so well that your results will almost be certain. If you can’t “FIGURE IT OUT” you  soon be out of figure…The figures that makes for live and living

Google tells me mathematics has no generally accepted definition so also is our lives. What you call your life is what it is, nobody can aptly define your life. Not even your parent are capable of defining your life, at best, they can give you a name. Your life definition is your responsibility.  Any man who has understood the mathematics of things and of life will stop passing blame to others because no matter what  have been done on your behalf or before you. You are fully responsible for your own life!

Somewhere in the holy writ,  David prayed; “Teach us to number our days, that we  apply our hearts to wisdom”. David knew that If you “understand the numbers of days“, you will learn time management naturally and walk in wisdom

In mathematics, mistakes are expected, mistakes are made and mistakes are corrected accordingly this is life Ideally. In mathematics, figure manipulation is possible and you  get the answer but when your workings are checked, you  as well get ready to lose your “Reward”. Mathematics has proved to us that in life, the end does not always justify the means. That a man lives with good things does not mean he led a great life.

If you really want to simplify things, know mathematics. Math makes complicated things simple. Do not live your life on chances and luck. It is too risky!  Know your figures, internalize them and apply them appropriately for an amazing life result.

 Femi Adediran…Olufire nooni

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