Your 2022 Joker – A Good Attitude!

Sometimes, our life journey gets so rough and tough that even our faith becomes shaken and our determination gives way. A Good Attitude is all we need to “stay on the road” in times like this – Femi Adediran, December 2021.

Your 2022 JokerIt does not really matter what people say or do not say about you, what really matters is what you say about yourself by your attitude – Femi Adediran, December 2021.

You must be richer in your attitude than “in your money” if you must not go broke soon – Femi Adediran, December 2021.

Do you want to become fortunate in 2022? Have a Good Attitude – Femi Adediran, December 2021.

Your greatest power is the power of choice, the power to choose your own attitude! – Femi Adediran, December 2021.

If you really want to fight, fight with your attitude, either good or bad – Femi Adediran, December 2021

It is called “Life” because it’s about “Breathtaking” and “breathing” moments. The moments we experience are about the Attitude we express.
-Femi Adediran, December 2021.

With a good attitude, even the devil looks like a saint – Femi Adediran, December 2021.

You may not be able to change your past but you can change your Attitude today – Femi Adediran, December 2021.

Sometimes, our life journey gets so rough and tough that even our faith becomes shaken and our determination gives way. A Good Attitude isYour 2022 Joker all we need to “stay on the road” in times like this

It is good to be prayerful but prayers without a good attitude are not likely to have a good answer

Our sins are not so grievous until our attitudes become so bad

With a good attitude, we will always find our way.

  • Our Attitude is more important than our Education
  • Our Attitude is more important than our Error
  • Our Attitude is more important than our Talent
  • Our Attitude is more important than our failure
  • Our Attitude is more important than our losses
  • Our Attitude is more important than our situation
  • Our Attitude is more important than the gossips about us
  • Our Attitude is more important than the abuse we have received

It does not really matter what people say or do not say about you, what really matters is what you say about yourself by your attitude

You must be richer in your attitude than in your money if you must not go broke soon

We all are products of our attitude

Our Attitude in turn becomes our character. Watch your attitude and your character will take care of itself

We may have little control or no control over many things but we are 100% in charge of our own attitude at all times

To “make excuse” is an Attitude and to “make no excuse” is an attitude. The choice is yours

It is called “Life” because it’s about “Breathtaking” and “breathing” moments. The moments we experience are about the Attitude we express.

  • You may not be able to change people but you can change your own Attitude
  • You may not be able to change your situation but you can change your Attitude
  • You may not be able to change the season but you can change your Attitude
  • You may not be able to change your past but you can change your Attitude
  • You may not have control over your future but you have control over your own Attitudes which impacts heavily on your future

If you can master your attitude, you can master life and living.

Your 2022 JokerYour greatest power is the power of choice, the power to choose your own attitude!

A Good Attitude will make you win impossible battles!

We have not failed until we no longer make the choice to succeed.

With a good Attitude, even the devil looks like a saint.

Nothing is really bad until our Attitude becomes bad.

Nobody wins with a bad attitude.

The least you can entertain in your life is negative vibes that come with a Bad Attitude.

All hope is not lost if only we can improve on your attitude.

If you really want to fight, fight with your attitude, either good or bad.

We can only go as high as our Attitude. Our Altitude in life is largely about our Attitude in our situations.

Do you want to become fortunate in 2022? Have a Good Attitude.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naa ni
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