The Two Sides Of A coin – To Flip or Not To Flip

Tools definitely may enhance our performance but excellence is who we are and not what we have. Tools soon become ineffective in the hands of an incompetent man – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

The Two Sides Of A coinLook for the best in people, it is one cheap way to bring out the best in yourself! – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

It’s amazing to know that a bad man is equally a good man. The Stingy man is equally a generous man. The lazy man is equally hardworking. More often than not, the man we meet is about the man we are at the moment. The side of a man we meet is largely about our own side of the coin. We see people as we are and not essentially as they are. When a man in need meets a “supposed rich” man who “does not give” (to him), he concludes, his “rich friend” is stingy! – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Love passionately, love unreservedly, you may get hurt. It is the only way to live life completely – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Sometimes, marriage is like two sides of a coin, a union of two people who are so close yet can’t look each other in the eye – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Even where we are able to cover our track, we are not able to erase them. An attempt to erase our track is an attempt to make them more visible – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

  • Every beauty has its own ugliness and there is beauty hidden in every ugliness
  • Every riches comes with its own poverty and every poverty comes with its own riches
  • In Every strength, there is a weakness and in every weakness, there is an embedded strength
    What you appeal to is what appears to you, make the right appeal at all times – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

If you want to die happily, live completely and if you want to live happily, you must be willing to die completely! – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

If your day isn’t going as planned, flip it! The coin is in your hand, after all, it’s your day, every day! – Femi Adediran, January 2022.

Mastercard Gift CardIf you truly “love your own self”, you will neither hate nor live in bitterness with anybody. Deep self-love will deliver you from the “plague of bitterness and hatred”.

Love and hatred are two sides of a coin. Where love abounds, hatred naturally “walk out of the door”. Yet, the closest ally of love is hatred. We must be careful to guard the love in our hearts jealously because hatred is always by the corner. Humans can be as hateful as much as we can be loving.

And when the coin becomes flipped, the one who loves you the most can be your most dangerous enemy.The Two Sides Of A coin

Love passionately, love unreservedly, you may get hurt. It is the only way to live life completely.

A love with “reservations” is no love at all.

It’s amazing to know that a bad man is equally a good man. The Stingy man is equally a generous man. The lazy man is equally hardworking. More often than not, the man we meet is about the man we are at the moment. The side of a man we meet is largely about our own side of the coin. We see people as we are and not essentially as they are. When a man in need meets a “supposed rich” man who “does not give” (to him), he concludes, his “rich friend” is stingy!

If you truly love people, you will give them the benefits of the doubt until they prove otherwise.

Sometimes, marriage is like two sides of a coin, a union of two people who are so close yet can’t look each other in the eye

Tools definitely may enhance our performance but excellence is who we are and not what we have. Tools soon become ineffective in the hands of an incompetent man.

Each one of us is a coin with two sides, we all have our good tendencies as much as we have our bad ones. That is why we must not “give up” on ourselves and we must remain humble at all times.

The Two Sides Of A coinThe hardest thing for a coin to do is to stand on its edges, it will always rest on one side. Pretenders love to stand on the edge. You cannot pretend for too long. Pretense is like smoke, it can only be covered for so long!

Even where we are able to cover our track, we are not able to erase them. An attempt to erase our track is an attempt to make them more visible

Until you hear from both sides, draw no conclusions, else you have only decided your own judgment as well.

One of the easiest things to do is to judge others, it’s a weakness of the soul and an emptiness of the spirit. Resist the temptation to judge others.

If you want to die happily, live completely and if you want to live happily, you must be willing to die completely!

  • Every beauty has its own ugliness and there is beauty hidden in every ugliness
  • Every riches comes with its own poverty and every poverty comes with its own riches
  • In Every strength, there is a weakness and in every weakness, there is an embedded strength
  • What you appeal to is what appears to you, make the right appeal at all times.

There is a face of people we don’t see, a story of people we don’t know, give people the benefit of doubt.

If your day isn’t going as planned, flip it! The coin is in your hand, after all, it’s your day, every day!

Look for the best in people, it is one cheap way to bring out the best in yourself!

Nothing is as bad as it looks, there is always a good (better side).

Femi Adediran…olufire Naa ni
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