Effective fathers are loving fathers. Love must precede discipline, otherwise we will raise rebels as children and have recalcitrant as life partners A father can only be as effective as the consistency of his prayer life. The burden of fatherhood is too heavy not to engage the force of prayers. Great fathers knows that prayer…

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Your GUT versus Your GOT (i)

Any man can have the gun but only men with gut can pull the trigger – Femi Adediran, 2020 Education  give you a chance . Anointing  give you a platform. Beauty  give you admirers. It is Gut that gives you the confidence to walk through the door – Femi Adediran, 2020 It takes gut to…

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Count Your Blessings

We are blessed because of the “discounts” we have received even where others are paying “full price”. And if the blessings we have received must not become “discounted”, we must know how to count each one of them – Femi Adediran, October 2021. Our blessings are unlimited until we are no longer “a blessing” to…

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Leading Effectively

Focus on getting better and not getting bigger. Bigger does not necessarily mean better. When you get better, you will naturally get bigger -Femi Adediran, February 2022. We are all leaders, either born or made. The difference is in who accepts the responsibility to lead. That is why a portfolio or position does not translate…

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Freezing Cold!

A cold heart is a Death Sentence! – Femi Adediran, January 2022. People will grow cold on you, it does not really matter. You must fight the urge to grow cold on yourself, this is what really matters – Femi Adediran, January 2022. The door closes when our heart is cold Vision dies when our…

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Not Approved

Others heart  grow cold towards you, don’t let your heart grow cold towards yourself. It is all you have got! – Femi Adediran, 2020 If you have to wait for thumb up to do anything good, you  as well forget about your place “up there”. Because “thumbs up” becomes scarce in the face of good…

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