Effective fathers are loving fathers. Love must precede discipline, otherwise we will raise rebels as children and have recalcitrant as life partners

A father can only be as effective as the consistency of his prayer life. The burden of fatherhood is too heavy not to engage the force of prayers. Great fathers knows that prayer is the number one shock and stroke absorber!

Effective fathers are selfless givers. If you are not a giver, you don’t have any business getting married in the first instance talk less of having children. Giving is what consolidate your position as a father. You must be able to provide adequately for your children and most especially your wife who happens to be your first child

Effective father sings at home. Yes, you read that right! Effective fathers sings at home creating atmosphere of love and acceptance. Effective fathers are great friends to their wife and children

1 A father can only be as effective as the consistency of his prayer life. The burden of fatherhood is too heavy not to engage the force of prayers. Great fathers knows that prayer is the number one shock and stroke absorber!

2. Effective fathers are loving fathers. Love must precede discipline, otherwise we will raise rebels as children and have recalcitrant as life partners

3. Effective fathers forgives now and again! As a matter of fact, forgiveness is a major prerequisite to becoming an effective father

4. Effective fathers hold themselves to high standard of living knowing that they are role models, they are brands, they are script their children would have to read for outstanding performance on the stage of life

5. *Effective fathers are great scientists; They continually assist in the process of discovery for members of their family *

6.Effective fathers are selfless givers. If you are not a giver, you don’t have any business getting married in the first instance talk less of having children. Giving is what consolidate your position as a father. You must be able to provide adequately for your children and most especially your wife who happens to be your first child

7. Effective father sings at home. Yes, you read that right! Effective fathers sings at home creating atmosphere of love and acceptance. Effective fathers are great friends to their wife and children