Our time in this world is incontestably limited. To maximize it is to set our priorities right

To truly know a man, find out what his priorities are. We are what we love

Our best companion should be our priorities

Until we make building our home a priority, we are bound to live in a homeless house

Our priorities are like magnets, they attract the good and the bad in our life.

The fastest route to anywhere is to set your priorities right

To get your direction right, set your priority right

To truly know a man, find out what his priorities are. We are what we love

Our priorities are evidence of our desires

Until we make building our home a priority, we are bound to live in a homeless house

The fastest route to anywhere is to set your priorities right

Your priorities will attract your friends. Wrong priorities, wrong friends. Right priorities, right friends

Your priority determines your discipline

Time can only be maximized with the right priorities

Nothing can be as complicated and stressful as life with wrong priorities

Everything answers to your priority

Distinctiveness comes from setting the right priorities

One of the best decisions you will ever make is to continually review your scale of preference, your priorities

Our best companion should be our priorities

Our priorities are like magnets, they attract the good and the bad in our life.

Our time in this world is incontestably limited. To maximize it is to set the right priorities