Little Things Matter

” Díẹ̀ díẹ̀ nimú ẹlẹ́dẹ̀ẹ́ fi ń wọgbà”- It is little by little that the pig’s nose enters the yard – Catch the little foxes before they destroy the vineyard. Attend to a small problem before it becomes bigger and more difficult to handle – Yoruba Proverb

In the truest sense, what we call our “little secrets” is our biggest scandal!
-Femi Adediran,

Our greatest struggles have always been our inability to win in small places. Power comes from our ability to conquer small things and most especially, to conquer our own self
-Femi Adediran,

The true measure of a man is in how he is able to fit in, in small places
-Femi Adediran,

Poison does not have to be big to effective, it only have to be effective to destroy big things. No matter how small it is, if it is called poison, it is a potential danger!
-Femi Adediran,

Slow and steady win the race… slow and steady lose the race
-Femi Adediran, October 2022

Catch the little foxes…the little foxes that spoil and ruin our vineyards” – Holy writ

” Díẹ̀ díẹ̀ nimú ẹlẹ́dẹ̀ẹ́ fi ń wọgbà”- It is little by little that the pig’s nose enters the yard – Catch the little foxes before they destroy the vineyard. Attend to a small problem before it becomes bigger and more difficult to handle

Our greatest struggles have always been our inability to win in small places. Power comes from our ability to conquer small things and most especially, to conquer our own self.

If only we will do small things well, we will not be bothered by big things we are not able to do well

The true measure of a man is in how he is able to fit in, in small places

In the truest sense, what we call our “little secrets” is our biggest scandal!

No one falls into fornication or adultery or into any sin at all until we become a victim of unguarded wishfull and willful lust

Slow and steady win the race… slow and steady lose the race

Poison does not have to be big to effective, it only have to be effective to destroy big things. No matter how small it is, if it is called poison, it is a potential danger!

What we call Greatness most times is nothing but over bloated public image, true Greatness is in our image out of public gaze

Everything was born out of small; everything comes from small;
Everybody came from one person
Fruits came from seed
Mighty waters came from small drops of water
If you really want more, manage little things well

“Catch the little foxes…the little foxes that spoil and ruin our vineyards” – Holy writ

The Coronavirus that causes covid 19 is a tiny micro virus that attacks the body in many different ways. A micro virus that has killed more people than in World war II. The power of small virus!
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