Legendary Hustlers (Part 1)

Your most strategic plan is to take action!  – Femi Adediran, February 2022.

Get up! Get Out! Get Going! Get Result! That is what hustling is all about – Femi Adediran, February 2022.

Legendary HustlersTalent is nothing if you don’t know how to hustle – Femi Adediran, February 2022.

When you “lose your job”, go to work- Hustle. When you “find a job”, don’t forget your work – Hustle. You will soon be delivered from “job hunt”, if only you would become “work addict”- Hustle – Femi Adediran, February 2022.

To every dream, there is a hustle attached. The life of your dream is in your hustle – Femi Adediran, February 2022.

Hustlers have only one office – The Street.

  •  Your “Street office” could be your room
  • Your “Street office” could be in the Sun
  • Your “Street Office” could be in the rain
  • Your “Street Office” could be in your car
  • Your “Street office” could be a marketplace
  • Your “Street office” could be on the farm
  • Your “Street Office” could be on the sea
  • You must work (Hustle) at your “Street Office” if you must enter your real office in life! – Femi Adediran, February 2022.

I may not know how God blesses people but I know one thing for sure He reserves blessings for faithful hustlers  – Femi Adediran, February 2022.

Hustling is not suffering, it is exploring purpose in a most energetic way. Even Jesus had to hustle his way to the throne, he had to carry (explore) his own cross – Femi Adediran, February 2022.

Legendary HustlersYour most strategic plan is to take action!

Luck awaits the hustlers around the corners.

If you don’t want to become another Story Teller,  You must become another history maker – Hustle.

It’s sure not comfortable under the sun but our comfort is from the discomfort of the Sun. The earlier the sun becomes your friend, the better for you.

Those who take their destiny into their own hands are called hustlers.

The True Secret of success is with hustlers.

Those who hustle no longer have to struggle with shame, they are only too happy to look forward to their glory.

You might be broke hustling, you are only breaking the jinx!

Talent is nothing if you don’t know how to hustle.

You can’t be a dreamer and not be a hustler. Real Dreamers are big-time hustlers.

Be enthusiastic about your hustle. You have only been courageous enough to follow the path of Greatness.

Hustling is not suffering, it is exploring purpose in a most energetic way. Even Jesus had to hustle his way to the throne, he had to carryLegendary Hustlers (explore) his own cross.

Hustlers have only one office – The Street.

Your “Street office” could be your room

Your “Street office” could be in the Sun

Your “Street Office” could be in the rain

Your “Street Office” could be in your car

Your “Street office” could be a marketplace your “Street Office” could be on the sea

You must work (Hustle) at your “Street Office” if you must enter your real office in life!

Hustling is making your brain sweat even when you are under the air conditioner.

I may not know how God blesses people but I know one thing for sure He reserves blessings for faithful hustlers.

When you “lose your job”, go to work- Hustle. When you “find a job”, don’t forget your work – Hustle. You will soon be delivered from “job hunt” if only you would become “work addict”- Hustle.

Get up, Get Out, Get Going, Get Result. That is what hustling is all about.

To every dream, there is a hustle attached. The life of your dream is in your hustle.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naa ni
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