To procrastinate procrastination, this is how to perform magic

To spend less time on social media, this is how to perform magic

No magic is more powerful than the magic of love

We become magical when we live simply and happily

To do ordinary things in an extraordinary way, this is how to perform magic

To be kind in an unkind world, this is how to perform magic

To love the seemingly unloveable, this is how to perform magic

To sing even when your voice is not so beautiful , this is how to perform magic

To dance even when there is no music, this is how to perform magic

To give even when you don’t have enough yourself, this is how to perform magic

To remain positive amidst negativity, this is how to perform magic

To believe that you can fly even when you have not been to the airport before, this is how to perform magic

To remain forgiving at all times, this is how to perform magic

To train up your child in the way he should go, this is how to perform magic

To go the extra mile even after you have done your best, this is how to perform magic

To remain focused even in the midst of distractions, this is how to perform magic

To be intentional about your vision, this is how to perform magic

To have faith in the face of hopeless situations, this is how to perform magic

To be able to put yourself under control, this is how to perform magic

To remain happy even when situations are not so favorable, this is how to perform magic

To know that you are unique and exceptional, this is how to perform magic

To procrastinate procrastination, this is how to perform magic

To spend less time on social media, this is how to perform magic

To read and do personal research as much as your time permits, this is how to perform magic

No magic is more powerful than the magic of love

We become magical when we live simply and happily