The Fault is all Yours

Nothing is faulty until “no one is at fault” – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

When you begin to accept fault, your expectations will shift from others to yourself. You are your own biggest liability and your own most valuable asset, if only you know where to put the blame – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

The easiest coup d’etat is to accept responsibility – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

I take responsibility for my own living and my own dying so i can be free from manipulation of others – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

When we point accusing fingers most times, it weakens our resolve to do and to make things right – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

Things fall apart because we fail in our responsibility of taking responsibility – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

If you want to move forward faster, stop pointing accusing fingers at others even when “they” are the ones at fault, nothing drags back like blaming other people. Take the blame, so you can win the game.

Nothing is faulty until “no one is at fault”. Leadership begins when we first take responsibility for ourselves and then for others.

Things fall apart because we fail in our responsibility of taking responsibility. When you begin to accept fault, your expectations will shift from others to yourself. You are your own biggest liability and your own most valuable asset, if only you know where to put the blame.

I take responsibility for my own living and my own dying so I can be free from manipulation of others

  • When your children “misbehaves”, accept responsibility The fault is all yours
  • When things fall apart, accept responsibility
  • When others disappoint you, accept responsibility
  • When things becomes so bad in the nation, accept responsibility
  • When no one is ready to help, accept responsibility

The moment you accept responsibility, you put yourself in charge. Take responsibility for your own health, Take responsibility for your own wealth, Take responsibility for your family.

  • Take responsibility for your nation
  • Take responsibility for your community
  • Take responsibility even for other people’s fault it’s an easy way to establish your leadership

What does not kill you will make you stronger. Take advantage of life “near misses”, learn the lesson and then be the lesson. Take responsibility. When we point accusing fingers most times, it weakens our resolve to do and to make things right.

The easiest coup d’etat is to accept responsibility. Be a “gut father”, accept responsibility.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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