Others heart  grow cold towards you, don’t let your heart grow cold towards yourself. It is all you have got! – Femi Adediran, 2020

If you have to wait for thumb up to do anything good, you  as well forget about your place “up there”. Because “thumbs up” becomes scarce in the face of good life performance – Femi Adediran, 2020

Our creativity, our originality, our productivity have been sacrificed times and again on the “altar of disapproval”. We are more familiar with the word “Not Approved” in our subconsciousness than any other one thing – Femi Adediran, 2020

We only get the chance we create. Approvals are limited. Nobody will give you a chance until you create one – Femi Adediran, 2020

Everything you have permitted so far is everything you have got – Femi Adediran, 2020

Your life will drift in the direction of what you permit – Femi Adediran, 2020

To Break the Jinx of “Not Approved”, you must get ready to decide on the New rule and the new way to go. Every standard you see today was set by men and women who moved past General approval to life approval. – Femi Adediran, 2020

Anybody who has ever done anything reasonable with their life will tell you that the journey of Greatness is movement from Disapproval to Disapproval to Disapproval to Disapproval and then to more disapproval. And then you become approved when you have been completely disapproved. – Femi Adediran, 2020

A poor man who is self-confident has more hope than a man whose house is full of money who is not. Disapproval is intended to do just one thing to you – to puncture your confidence! And when your confidence is gone, all hope becomes lost. We live each day faced with rejection and disapproval. Continuous rejections and disapprovals. Our creativity, our originality, our productivity have been sacrificed times and again on the “altar of disapproval”. We are more familiar with the word “Not Approved” in our subconsciousness than any other thing

We receive quiet disapproval each time we try to do something meaningful with our life and in our world. We just wished that others will give us the nod at least to give us the confidence that we are on the right part and doing something good. But the truth is that nothing good ever gets approved initially. You must work way through disapprovals unto approval. It will amaze you to know how many talents and great skills have gone down the drain because of the “initial quiet disapproval”

It is “Not approved” because it is not the standard practice. It is not conventional. It is not generally acceptable. It is too new to be the norm. There is only one reason they tell you it is “Not approved” because they lack the gut and the will to do it. It’s a case of a critic who knows the way but does not know how to drive. Most Disapprovals comes from men who “cannot see” the good in others. They are. blind men” criticizing men with “sight and vision”. So, why would you be bothered? Anybody who has ever done anything reasonable with their life will tell you that the journey of Greatness is movement from Disapproval to Disapproval to Disapproval to Disapproval and then to more disapproval. And then you become approved when you have been completely disapproved.

No one will give your life a meaning, you are the only one who can give your life a meaning If you understand the “concept and the intent of Not Approved”, you will become more resolute because that is the path of approval itself. To Break the Jinx of “Not Approved”, you must get ready to decide on the New rule and the new way to go. Every standard you see today was set by men and women who moved past General approval to life approval. You can Become the New Standard, the New law and the New Rule if only you would not wait for general approval. We only get the chance we create.

  • Approvals are limited. Nobody will give you a chance until you create one.
  • Everything you have permitted so far is everything you have got
  • No one can make you “feel superior” without your own permission
  • Your life will drift in the direction of what you permit
  • We are limited to the extent that we allow men to decide “our approvals”
  • We feel good when we get approved but becoming great is beyond feeling good. It is a “decision to be” in spite of what we feel.
  • Do what you have to do in spite of your feeling anyway.
  • We left too many things undone because we got no approval
  • Approval is good but if you have to wait for approval to do anything, you  as well be setting up yourself for an unfulfilled life
  • To become fulfilled in life, we must be able to move beyond and above General approval and embrace life approval
  • If you have to wait for a thumb up to do anything well, you as well forget about your place “up there”. Because “thumbs up” becomes scarce in the face of good life performance
  • Others’ hearts grow cold towards you, don’t let your heart grow cold towards yourself. It is all you have got.
  • Talents are skills are everywhere So also Disapprovals in multiple folds
  • When you work with a sense of approval, you fearless and do better with great confidence

And where does disapproval comes from? From YOU first and foremost then, from your feelings, from your friends, from your perceived foes, from your loved ones, from everywhere. It is so ironic to know that our life and living are in the midst of continuous “disapprovals”. It’s a free world “void and without form”. The shape you got is what you approved or what you “permit others to approve”. And until you understand this. You will continuously minimize your opportunities and jeopardize your possibilities

Men who realize this eventually overturn the world. If you know that what you are doing right now is “globally approved”. How would you do it? Now, give yourself that global approval and do it confidently. More Confidently!

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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