Packaging is good, but it is content that will sustain the image!

Our life productivity is inversely proportional to the amount of jagbajantis in it. The lesser the jagbajantis, the higher our productivity

When you live on lies! It is jagbajantis

We may not have control over everything else but we can at least control our own attitude which ultimately determines the final output of everything else

A crowded life is a shrouded life!

Personal evaluation and re-evaluation is key to filtering the jagbajantis in our lives

Some relationships have become jagbajantis in our lives. If we don’t let them go, they will attract more jagbajantis to our life!

Archimedes’ buoyancy principle is right; “the force acting on, or buoying, a submerged or partially submerged object equals the weight of the liquid that the object displaces. We are only as valuable as the impact we are making. Think about it

What is Jagbajantis?

When every dick and Harry have access to your life, it is jagbajantis

When all you do all day is to gossip and backbite other people, it is jagbajantis

When you must attend every party and events in town, it is jagbajantis

When everyone you meet must be your close friend, it is jagbajantis

When your only hobby is to watch movie unending, it is Jagbajantis

When you don’t know how to refrain your mouth from “talking rubbish”, it is jagbajantis

To worry about things you do not have control over, it is Jagbajantis

When you have to eat everything in sight, it is jagbajantis

When your words speak louder than your action, it is jagbajantis

When you physically and verbally abuse your spouse, it jagbjantis

When you neglect the care of your spouse and children, it is jagbajantis

When you live like a dirty swine, it is jagbajantis

When you live on lies! It is jagbajantis

When it becomes paramount for you to impress other people, it is jagbajantis

When you don’t know how to say NO, it is jagbajantis

Packaging is good, but it is content that will sustain the image!

Our life productivity is inversely proportional to the amount of jagbajantis in it. The lesser the jagbajantis, the higher our productivity

We may not have control over everything else but we can at least control our own attitude which ultimately determines the final output of everything else.

A crowded life is a shrouded life!

Personal evaluation and re-evaluation is key to filtering the jagbajantis in our lives

Some relationships have become jagbajantis in our lives. If we don’t let them go, they will attract more jagbajantis to our life.

Archimedes’ buoyancy principle is right; “the force acting on, or buoying, a submerged or partially submerged object equals the weight of the liquid that the object displaces. We are only as valuable as the impact we are making. Think about it

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