Be Kind to You

Be Kind to You

Nobody is more deserving of your kindness than you – Femi Adediran, July 2021.

Be your own cheerleader and love your own life regardless, because… it is hard to be happy when YOU are mean to YOU! – Femi Adediran, July 2021.

Kindness can only reproduce kindness. Our propensity to be kind to others is largely a reflection of our personal kindness.

Nobody is more deserving of your kindness than you. Be nice to your own body, gentle with your own spirit, and patient with your own heart.

Be Kind to YouTreat yourself good. Accept yourself even if nobody does.

Forgive your own sins. Do not fall into the temptation of holding yourself to impossibly high standards…

Do not compare yourself to others and beating up yourself for making a mistake or for not being good enough at something

Be your own cheerleader and love your own life regardless, because… it is hard to be happy when YOU are mean to YOU!


Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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