Finding Meaning

Finding meaning is becoming engaged for and with life. Anybody can get “a job” but only those who have found meaning can find “a work” -their work – Femi Adediran, 2020.

When you find meaning, it does not matter who employs you because you are not only “self-employed” but “life employed”. You are the “CEO” of your own life, that is why you can be at peace on any job because you already found work – Femi Adediran, 2020.

The slave trade was not a palatable experience but when we have not found meaning, the best we can do is to “trade our lives in slavery” working so hard for the “fulfillment of others” – Femi Adediran, 2020.

It is good to help others become fulfilled but when your own fulfillment is not in sight by the virtue of meaning you have found, “your help” of others becomes “modern-day slave trade” – Femi Adediran,  2020.

Money is not meaning. He who has find meaning will surely find money. It is “life threatening” to find money without finding meaning. When you have plenty money without “finding life meaning”, it is subscription to boredom which tends towards depression – Femi Adediran,  2020

If there’s anything our hearts seeks like no other, it is finding the explicit significance of our existence, the very meaning of our life. We all want our life to “make sense” especially as too many things in life “does not make sense.” Things of life can only make sense to you as you find meaning. A good number of us were lucky to get “good names” but a “good name” does not connote “good life” . And until a man find meaning, leading a good life would be as groping in the dark.

  • Finding meaning is finding purpose
  • Finding meaning is finding the path of your feet in life
  • Finding meaning is “being alive”
  • Finding meaning is finding your life application
  • Finding meaning is finding your “usefulness”
  • Finding meaning is finding “your expression”
  • Finding meaning is finding real life productivity and profitability

When you find meaning, you become confident for life even when you have to walk through “the valley of the shadow of death”. When you find meaning, Your steps will be sure. Only men who have found meaning find direction in life. You are lost in life when you have not found meaning and you can only be found by finding meaning.

When you find meaning, you are delivered from “bandwagonism” in life. Life becomes exciting when you find meaning. With meaning comes inspiration, agility and stability. Finding meaning is becoming engaged for and with life. Anybody can get “a job” but only those who have found meaning can find “a work” – their work. When you find meaning, it does not matter who employs you because you are not only “self-employed” but “life employed”. You are the “CEO” of your own life, that is why you can be at peace on any job because you already found a work.

When we don’t find meaning, life is boring. When we don’t find meaning, we become restless even when we “earn so much”. When we don’t find meaning, we will go into wrong relationship, have wrong friends and be in wrong fellowship. When you find meaning, you will cease from competing with others, it becomes a competition with your own best. Until we find meaning of our life, nothing else is meaningful. Marriages becomes purposeless, career becomes goalless. A man who have not found his life meaning will misbehave because he will have no boundaries – “personal life imposed lines”

A man who have found meaning knows that what is good for everyone  not be “good enough” for him. When you have not found meaning, you are easily intimidated for lack of good self-esteem, living under the weight of inferiority complex. The slave trade was not a palatable experience but when we have not find meaning, the best we can do is to “trade our lives in slavery” working so hard for the “fulfillment of others”. It is good to help others become fulfilled but when your own fulfillment is not in sight by the virtue of meaning you have found, “your help” of others becomes “modern day slave trade”. Money is not meaning. He who has find meaning will surely find money. It is “life threatening” to find money without finding meaning. When you have plenty money without “finding life meaning”, it is subscription to boredom which tends towards depression.

How Do We Find Meaning in Life?

  • Connect with your maker
  • Connect with your heart witness
  • Connect with things observed around you
  • Connect with your ingenuity and creativity
  • Connect with other people’s affirmation of you

The deeper you explore the meaning you have found, the higher “your profitability” in life.  “Life comes alive” and “makes a lot of sense” when we find the real meaning of our life.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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