The “Beautiful” Tomorrow

The most beautiful life is “Life lived on the spot”, living where you are! Because Life can only happen where you are. If it does not happen “here”, It cannot happen “there”. We all must find a way to “live in Transit” – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

Live in the moment. It is the only way to have a beautiful tomorrow – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

What is the best way to have a beautiful tomorrow?

  • Sing your best song today
  • Say the best thing you can say today
  • Express your deepest feeling today
  • Do your best work today
  • Write your best book today
  • Love your family today
  • Read on the queue, don’t wait till you get home
  • Look your best today
  • Wear your best dress today
  • Once in a while, eat in public places regardless of your status, “catch the fun”;
  • Check on your friends today

Every day is a new dawn, a new Tomorrow  -Femi Adediran, November 2021

“Dance in the Rain” today because there may be “no rainfall tomorrow”. “Wheather forecast” can fail and they do fail – Femi Adediran, November 2021.

The only day that is attractive and appealing to the lazy is tomorrow. He looks forward to tomorrow when all his problems will be solved.
-Femi Adediran, November 2021.

We all look forward to tomorrow thinking it’s our “deliverance from today”. But the truth is every day is a day before tomorrow. And so, weThe Beautiful Tomorrow are never free from “today” after all. The day to live and to do the Good you have always dreamt of is today because tomorrow is a mirage, it may never come!

“Tomorrows” is not always as beautiful as we think. They come with their own “Rough edges”. We can only “make today beautiful” as much as we can.

The only day that is attractive and appealing to the lazy is tomorrow. He looks forward to tomorrow when all his problems will be solved.

The most beautiful life is “Life lived on the spot”, living where you are! Because Life can only happen where you are. If it does not happen “here”, It cannot happen “there”. We all must find a way to “live in Transit”.

Vision doesn’t get fulfilled tomorrow. Fulfillment of vision can only be today if you will remain doggedly committed to your own visions in spite of challenges. Challenges won’t leave because you have a vision. You will rather live your dreams in the face of your trying challenges.

Today is the tomorrow we all looked forward to. Tomorrow is upon us every day.

The beauty of tomorrow is only painted today. You had better go to work, Painting!

What is the best way to have a beautiful tomorrow?

    • Sing your best song today:
    • Say the best thing you can say today;
    • Express your deepest feeling today;
    • Do your best work today;
    • Write your best book today;
    • Love your family today;
    • Read on the queue, don’t wait till you get home;
    • Look your best today;
    • Wear your best dress today;
    • Once in a while, eat in public places regardless of your status, “catch the fun”;
    • Check on your friends today

The Beautiful TomorrowEvery day is a new dawn, a new Tomorrow

“Dance in the Rain” today because there may be “no rainfall tomorrow”. Weather forecasts can fail and they do fail

Tomorrow is often forced down our throat as we are not always “adequately prepared” for it, there is always something we are yet to do. So, live your life today, on the spot!

Nobody will approve of your happiness.
You are the only one who can give yourself express permission to live happily. Take charge of your own happiness and be happy today!*

Live in the moment. It is the only way to have a beautiful tomorrow.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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