Managing Relationships (2)

Your most precious possessions are your relationships – Femi Adediran, 2020

Wherever there is relationships, there must be issues, even in heaven “there was war” – Femi Adediran, 2020

Relationship thrives on forgiveness…continuous forgiveness. Where and when we stop forgiving, we stop relating – Femi Adediran, 2020

Don’t be in haste to quit your relationships, be patient with people, things look better over time – Femi Adediran, 2020

Make allowance for imperfections in others, you are where you are because someone made allowance for your own imperfections – Femi Adediran, 2020

People will disappoint your expectations just as you will disappoint other’s expectation, the way not to suffer heart beak is to relate with understanding that people are human beings and not spirit – Femi Adediran, 2020

If you want a blissful relationship, respect your friends no matter how close you are. And don’t just respect your friend, let everyone know you do. Your friend will not only reciprocate the respect but will also love you for it – Femi Adediran, 2020

Our maturity test in any relationship is in our ability to differentiate between what must be given attention and what should be ignored – Femi Adediran, 2020

People will disappoint your expectations just as you will disappoint other’s expectation, the way not to suffer heart beak is to relate with understanding that people are human beings and not spirit. You don’t meet people by accident, but by appointment even where you don’t have one

Relationship thrives on forgiveness…continuous forgiveness. Where and when we stop forgiving, we stop relating. Your most precious possessions are your relationships. Old friends are better than new acquaintances. Even when you have lost everything, you can bounce back with good relationships. When relationships go bad which happens almost all the time, do not go bad with it. Never banged the door on any one’s face, you  have to go through that door again

Don’t get too familiar with your friends, it could be destiny destructive. Don’t be in haste to quit your relationships, be patient with people, things look better over time. Your relationships is your own circle of influence, guard them jealously. You must be able to relate across board, you must be able to relate with the young and the old, the weak and the strong. It is your passport to greatness. Make allowance for imperfections in others, you are where you are because someone made allowance for your own imperfections

Live and let live, this is one rule you must always remember in your relationships. Give everyone a chance. Every relationship is a type of ship, “Relation-Ship”. If it’s not going your direction, don’t be too shy to get off board. Wherever there is relationships, there must be issues, even in heaven “there was war”

Our maturity test in any relationship is in our ability to differentiate between what must be given attention and what should be ignored. If you want a blissful relationship, respect your friends no matter how close you are. And don’t just respect your friend, let everyone know you do. Your friend will not only reciprocate the respect but will also love you for it.

Don’t just be in a relationship for the fun of it, make sure you are adding value. What you don’t give you don’t get. Life is beautiful when we have good relationships

 Femi Adediran…olufire Nooni

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