The Two Sides of a Coin

We are not victorious until failure is no longer a threat. If you are too afraid to fail, you will never be able to drink from the spring of victory. It takes an aircraft to overcome the fear of crashing to be able to stay in the air – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

To live “without reservations” in this world, we all must come to the realization that we were born to “experience living” on our way to exiting the world itself. We are in transit and everything is in transition. Because, we have been born, we will eventually die(at the right time), experiencing both life and death along the way. The coin is always flipping. The side of the coin you see is not all there is to the coin – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

If you meet a “bad man”. Flip the coin. Look for his good side because we all have two faces, two sides. There is always a side of me you have not seen. Every man is a combination of good and bad – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

Everybody cannot be like you. There are no identical twins, else one is useless! We are all meant to compliment each other. You are the other side of the coin for someone else – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

If they tell you, the sky will not be your limit. Just remember you must also overcome the force of gravity. You must get ready to fight the devil manning the Gates that leads to the next level, the other side! – Femi Adediran, September 2021.

To live “without reservations” in this world, we all must come to the realization that we were born to “experience living” on our way to exiting the world itself. We are in transit and everything is in transition. Because, we have been born, we will eventually die (at the right time), experiencing both life and death along the way. The coin is always flipping. The side of the coin you see is not all there is to the coin.

There is always the other side of every coin, do not judge a matter until you have heard from both sides.

Do you know why you are not stucked in your situation? Because there is always two sides to every coin. It sucks today; it will be a song tomorrow.

Do not write off anybody and do not place too high hopes in any human. We all have two faces. The side of the coin you see today may not be there tomorrow.

Even the truth has two sides; “The Truth” and “The other Truth”. Think clear before and be sure before you commit yourself to anything

We are not victorious until failure is no longer a threat. If you are too afraid to fail, you will never be able to drink from the spring of victory. It takes an aircraft to overcome the fear of crashing to be able to stay in the air.

If they tell you, the sky will not be your limit. Just remember you must also overcome the force of gravity. You must get ready to fight the devil manning the Gates that leads to the other side!

Don’t feel too comfortable if you “seems loved” by all and don’t feel too bad if you feel “left alone”. The coin flips. Just wait for your turn

Our daily choices is between the Devil and the Devine. Choose wisely.

If you meet a “bad man”. Flip the coin. Look for his good side because we all have two faces, two sides. There is always a side of me you have not seen. Every man is a combination of good and bad.

There is a wrong side of every right. There is also the right side of every wrong. Read in between the lines

Even eternity has 2 sides: Heaven or Hell!

Nobody is young forever, we will all grow old. Everybody cannot be like you. There are no identical twins, else one is useless. We are all meant to compliment each other. You are the other side of the coin for someone else.

In Life:

  • You will laugh. You will cry. The Two Sides of a Coin
  • People will like you. People will dislike you
  • You will experience love. You will experience hate
  • You will fail. You will succeed
  • You will experience pain. You will experience pleasure
  • You will be strong sometime. You will be weak at sometime
  • You will experience days you wish you were dead. You will experience days you wish you can spend eternity on earth
  • You will experience the good. You will experience the bad
  • You will be told the truth. You will be told the lie
  • The devil will tempt you. The Holy Spirit will warn you
  • You will experience moment of joy. You will experience moment of sorrow
  • You will experience days of darkness. You will experience days of Light
  • You will feel like a Genius sometimes. You will feel like a dullard sometimes
  • You will experience fear. You will experience confidence

What is most important is to know when to FLIP THE COIN, and then FLIP IT!

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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