Your greatest victory is not in the open. Your greatest victory is the battle you won when no one is watching
When social media becomes your place of validation, it’s a chronic sign of emptiness. Men of substance are made in the private and not in the public. They only become public consumption after private production
The worst blow ever dealt with this generation is the crazy drive to share everything on socio media even our slightest thought!
Before sharing your personal information or any information at all on socio media, ask yourself these three questions:
- What is the purpose of sharing this?
- Must I share this?
- Is this for public or private consumption?
Your pain is personal, don’t make it a public business. When your pain becomes a public affair, you disqualify yourself from the growth that comes with pain
Character is formed and potentials are developed in the private
You owe nobody any explanation for your privacy, all right reserved!
When you are not “your own friend”, the Socio media becomes your bail out
Your greatest victory is not in the open. Your greatest victory is the battle you won when no one is watching
Dreams are seed, they should not be exposed to winds of criticism
When social media becomes your place of validation, it’s a chronic sign of emptiness. Men of substance are made in the private and not in the public. They only become public consumption after private production
Your pain is personal, don’t make it a public business. When your pain becomes a public affair, you disqualify yourself from the growth that comes with pain
Keep your process so private that nobody can preempt your next move. You must guard your twist and turn so well if you don’t want to become another victim of unrealized vision
Avoid unsolicited counsel as much as you can, they can be misleading
Your privacy is your personal secret place of vulnerability void of judgement and criticism.
Your privacy does not isolate or disconnect you from people, it only means that you have boundaries that sets you apart from others when necessary
The worst blow ever dealt with this generation is the crazy drive to share everything on socio media even our slightest thought!
When you are not “your own friend”, the Socio media becomes your bail out
You owe nobody any explanation for your privacy, all right reserved!
Before sharing your personal information or any information at all on socio media, ask yourself these three questions:
- What is the purpose of sharing this?
- 2. Must I share this?
- Is this for public or private consumption?
Don’t overshare, create mystery around your life
Depth, profound growth happens in the private
Character is formed and potentials are developed in the private