The Meeting with Me Progressively Transformed

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Life is track able when we are able to establish personal conversation with our own self – Femi Adediran, 2020.

We usually erroneously believe that it is meeting with some kind of “great dude” that makes us great. We take shots with these great dudes, sending signals to everyone that we have stepped up. There is nothing bad about doing this. But if you don’t settle down with you and explore you, you are only setting up yourself for a step down – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Pay attention to your spirit, pay attention to your soul, pay attention to your body. There is a communication going on. This is your blueprint for a great life handed over to you personally! – Femi Adediran, 2020.

It is personal disillusion to love the company of others more than your own company. The truth is, you will always have yourself to live with – Femi Adediran, 2020.

No matter who you are had met with until you meet with you and bring out you, your status remains undefined and unverified! – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Each time you look yourself in the eye in a private meeting with you, your “sight” for living becomes better and your “insight” for life becomes deeper – Femi Adediran, 2020.

More often than not , we find it easier to meet with every other person other than ourselves. Sometimes, we just do not see the need for our “own meeting” or we are just too scared to be confronted with the truth that  be revealed in our own “board room”. Others  tell you the truth, it is  the truth that you tell yourself that is the truth. Others  lie to you, if you do not lie to yourself, it’s just a matter of time, their lies will soon be exposed. If you don’t establish a personal communication with you, at best you will live a lie and live confused. It is in regular meeting with you, you will progressively know your own realities, frailties and possibilities.

We usually erroneously believe that it is meeting with some kind of “great dude” that makes us great. We take shots with these great dudes, sending signal to everyone that we have stepped up. There is nothing bad in doing this. But if you don’t settle down with you and explore you, you are only setting up yourself for a step down. No matter who you are had met with, until you meet with you and bring out you, your status remain undefined and unverified! It is personal disillusion to love the company of others more than your own company. The truth is, you will always have yourself to live with

Life is track able when we are able to establish personal conversation with our own self. Personal conversation is one essential exercise you cannot pass on to others for anything. It is what you must do by yourself. You must create time to “meet with you” from time to time because you are a going concern. Each time you look yourself in the eye in private meeting with you, your “sight” for living becomes better and your “insight” for live becomes deeper. What are the things to do in “your own board room”?

  • Meditate
  • Evaluate
  • Analyze
  • Appraise
  • Review
  • Revise
  • Recreate
  • Rejuvenate
  • Build
  • Rebuild
  • Pray

We are not better than the outcome of our own meeting. If possible, write down the outcome of your “meeting with you”. If you want to be established fast, establish a good “relationship with you”. Our productivity is largely a result of our meeting with ourselves. Change begins with you. Change begins when you meet with yourself “sincerely”. We become progressively transformed as we meet with our own selves.

An easy way to get over inferiority complex is to know and appreciate your own self and your own value in constant meeting with you. Personal meeting with you makes you more stable and then more reliable. You must love your company enough to constantly meet with yourself. Pay attention to your spirit, pay attention to your soul, pay attention to your body. There is a communication going on. This is your blueprint for a great life handed over to you personally!

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
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