Early this morning, while driving to work with a colleague, I found myself in a strange moment of hesitation. I had stopped at a red traffic light, waiting patiently for it to turn green. Eventually, the light did turn green, but I remained motionless, still perceiving the red light in my mind. My colleague beside me gently nudged me, saying, “Femi, the light is green.” Only then did I snap out of my trance and move forward.

In that moment, I realized this was more than just a minor driving incident, it was a metaphor for life.

How many of us are stuck at a green light, still seeing red?

How many times have we been held back, not by circumstance, but by the limitations of our own minds?

The opportunities are there, the signs are clear, yet we hesitate, paralyzed by old fears and uncertainties. We stay stagnant because our subconscious is still on red, convincing us that we’re not ready, not capable, or that it’s not yet time.

As I reflected on this experience, it struck me, that sometimes we need a prompt. Just as my colleague spoke up to alert me, we may need someone in our live; a friend, a spouse, or even a stranger, to remind us that the light is green, and it’s time to move.

The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one

We’ve all been there, at the crossroads of doubt and opportunity, where fear whispers that we should wait a little longer. But what if the light has already changed, and we’re just too focused on the red of the past to see the green of today?

We must be willing to prompt those around us who are stuck. Encourage them. Alert them that the green light of opportunity is already shining. Sometimes, it’s not enough to simply sit and watch others stagnate. Be the one who honks the horn, who gently pushes, who says, “The light is green, go!”

To those who feel trapped by life’s circumstances, here’s a reminder: the light won’t stay red forever.

When you feel like stopping, think about why you started.

Yes, the light is green. It’s time to step into the next phase of your journey, to pursue your purpose, and to embrace the opportunities in front of you. Don’t let fear or hesitation hold you back. The light is green. Move forward. Your destiny is waiting.


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