Truth may seems expensive but its not as scarce, we all have only chosen to believe and patronize cheap lies
There are three beings that can lie to you in this world: The devil, the world and yourself. The most dangerous lies are the ones we told ourselves and then believe it!
Lie is more of a state of mind than of a statement of mouth. When you say a truth and you don’t believe it, you lied! If you pray to God for something but does not believe in your heart(mind) that he is able to do it for you; you have not just lied but have also called God a liar regardless of what is coming out of your mouth!
When you tell yourself a lie over and over again, it eventually becomes your truth.
Tell yourself at least one truth daily and you will soon neutralize the lies in your life! Today, i am a winner!
Have you ever asked, why do people easily believe worse things about themselves rather believe the best? It is because It is easier to believe a lie than to accept the truth. Lie can be so soothing that it becomes your truth!
Why believe a lie when you have the opportunity to believe the truth?
If only we would believe half of truth of the lie we believe about ourselves, our lives will be Ten times better than what it is now
Lie is more of a state of mind than of a statement of mouth. When you say a truth and you don’t believe it, you lied! If you pray to God for something but does not believe in your heart(mind)(that he is able to do it for you; you have not just lied but have also called God a liar regardless of what is coming out of your mouth!
When you tell yourself a lie over and over again, it eventually becomes your truth.
Have you ever asked, why do people easily believe worse things about themselves rather believe the best? It is because It is a lot easier to believe a lie than to accept the truth. Lie can be so soothing that it becomes your truth!
Why believe a lie when you have the opportunity to believe the truth?
Lies We Believe
You are too old to do it
You are too young to do that
You are not qualify
You cannot do it
It is too late
The best is not for you
You are ugly
You will never make it
You belong to the back
You are useless
You will never be great
Nothing will ever work
Prayers don’t get answers
You will always be a victim
Lies! Lies!! Lies!!!
Truth may seems expensive but its not as scarce, we all have only chosen to believe and patronize cheap lies
Tell yourself at least one truth daily and you will soon neutralize the lies in your life! Today, i am a winner!
There are three being that can lie to you: The devil, the world and yourself. The most dangerous lies are the ones we told ourselves and then believe it!
All of us are believers, either you are believing a lie or you are believing a truth
If only we would believe half of truth of the lie we believe about ourselves, our lives will be Ten times better than what it is now
Truth may be bitter but it is always sweet in the end. Lie may be sweet, but it it is always bitter in the end
When you tell yourself a lie over and over again, it eventually becomes your truth.