Betrayal is always an insider job. Ask Judas

Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.
-Sun Tzu

To forgive an enemy may be a simple task but to forgive a friend may be the most difficult task in the world. You may need extra grace!

In the actual fact, those you call your friends should respect you the most but if you live in expectation of respect from your friends, you are probably going to have to be comfortable without friends

Friendship is about sharing experience of joy and pain together

Are you the best friend of your best friend? You may just be an acquaintance to your best friend. When you have time, think about it

The pain from a friend hurts more than the punch from an enemy

Real friends are those who have seen the worst of you and still respect you regardless

If you got someone you can play and fight with and then do it over and over again, you just got a friend

To have a spouse and a bestie at the same time is a serious conflict of interest. If your spouse is not your bestie then your marriage is at stake!

We disqualify ourself from preaching the truth when we do not want to hear the truth that we preach

Real friends are those who have seen the worst of you and still respect you regardless

Sometimes, friends are the reasons we cry and sometimes our enemies amuse us the most

If you got someone you can play and fight with and then do it over and over again, you just got a friend

Are you the best friend of your best friend? You may just be an acquaintance to your best friend. When you have time, think about it

The pain from a friend hurts more than the punch from an enemy

To forgive an enemy may be a simple task but to forgive a friend may be the most difficult task in the world. You may need extra grace!

Some friends belong to your past and do not have capacity to enter the future with you. You must be able to tell the difference so you don’t go around in life with garbage

Betrayal is always an insider job. Ask Judas

In the actual fact, those you call your friends should respect you the most but if you live in expectation of respect from your friends, you are probably going to have to be comfortable without friends.

To have a spouse and a bestie at the same time is a serious conflict of interest. If your spouse is not your bestie then your marriage is at stake!

The enemy you know is a safer place than a friend that cannot be trusted

True friendship is about being vulnerable without fear

We disqualify ourself from preaching the truth when we do not want to hear the truth that we preach

Those who have many friends are those who perpetually forgives

Benefits in friendship has to be Mutual, otherwise it becomes a parasitic union

Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.
-Sun Tzn

Friendship is about sharing experience of joy and pain together

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