Get It Done! Between The Talk and The Work

Get It Done! Between The Talk and The Work

If some people can work half the time they talk, their life would have been more colorful than what it is now

Qualification might get you the job, it is performance that will keep you on the job. Your KPI should not be in the talking but in the working

What works is to work

If you are so desperate about getting a promotion, then take ownership

Do the work first and the talking later

Even the the Holy writ says “…in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” Isiah 30:15. There is power in quietly focusing on your focus

Some tasks are categorized as difficult, do them anyway. That is how to build your muscle

Be the man who do the job. It makes you the man for the job

What works is to work

Talk is cheap, they say. Some say it js easier said than done. At any rate, it appears talk is too cheap and easy to get anything done!

If some people can work half the time they talk, their life would have been more colorful than what it is now

Work is not done by talking work is done by working

If you would need a supervisor to tell you what to do at all times, i doubt if you are fit for the job in the first instance. You need to start thinking like the supervisor if you want to keep the job

Even the the Holy writ says “…in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength” Isiah 30:15. There is power in quietly focusing on your focus

We should be more concerned about making impression than making expression

Do the work first and the talking later

Have you ever observed that the lesser you talk, the more you are able to do? Now, you have to make a choice

Some tasks are categorized as difficult, do them anyway. That is how to build your muscle

Be the man who do the job. It makes you the man for the job

Once you take up a responsibility either voluntarily or involuntarily, the least you can do is complain or become lackadaisically. Consent should make you responsible regardless

Qualification might get you the job, it is performance that will keep you on the job. Your KPI should not be in the talking but in the working

If you are so desperate about getting a promotion, then take ownership

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