Nothing can be as difficult as “what we think’ is impossible
One main difference between what is difficult and what is impossible is mindset
The most difficult thing in the world is what you think is impossible
To believe is to trigger your miracle. Just believe!
Your expectations will eventually become your (im)possibility and your (im)possibility is what becomes your reality
More often than not, focus on our difficulties is what erodes the reality of our possibilities
One main difference between what is difficult and what is impossible is mindset
More often than not, focus on our difficulties is what erodes the reality of our possibilities
There is a thin line between our difficulties and our possibilities, if is very easy to slip over
In essence, our difficulties are loaded with our possibilities, do not be deceived
Nothing can be as difficult as “what we think’ is impossible
Your expectations will eventually become your (im)possibility and your (im)possibility is what becomes your reality
To believe is to trigger your miracle. Just believe!
Difficulty is not synonymous with impossibility
Everything is possible as long as we don’t think they are impossible
The most difficult thing in the world is what you think is impossible
Don’t just train and trade in the easy stuff, be expert in difficult matters so you can be master at impossibility