To procrastinate procrastination, this is how to perform magic To spend less time on social media, this is how to perform magic No magic is more powerful than the magic of love We become magical when we live simply and…
Life Changing Inspiration Contents
Life Changing Inspiration Contents
To procrastinate procrastination, this is how to perform magic To spend less time on social media, this is how to perform magic No magic is more powerful than the magic of love We become magical when we live simply and…
Homelessness is a void in our heart that longs for authentic connection. Home is the starting point of everything including homelessness. We become homeless not essentially because we do not have a roof over our head but because we do…
To be human is to be beautiful and be ugly at the same time! It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to have regrets. It’s okay to fall. It’s okay to be angry. It’s okay to fail. It’s okay to mess…
One of the deadliest things you can do in life is to make your distractions your attraction. Ignore is the word for those who wants to get to their destination safely. Finding purpose is what makes life and living exciting!…
8. The Tactics Of The Game: Tactics in the game of football is a simple reflection of the importance of planning. Don’t let life just happen to you, plan to make it happen. Sometimes things may not work as planned…
Football game teach us extensively about the need for one another. The need to pass the ball when you have done your bit. There is no limit to what we can achieve if we can work together as a team.…
– To value your integrity more than gold, this is attractive – To care genuinely about other people regardless of what they are able to give or not able to give back to you, this is attractive – To respect…
We are only as valuable as our own values No hypocrisy is greater than acting differently apart from what is in our heart The litmus Test for true and great friendship is in our willingness to do everything for nothing…
We can act all we like, our intentions is all that matters Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the…
Our time in this world is incontestably limited. To maximize it is to set our priorities right To truly know a man, find out what his priorities are. We are what we love Our best companion should be our priorities…