ME vs ME
I am not afraid of my enemy for it is crystal clear what his mission is, but i am gravely afraid of my own self because too many times i cannot tell if i am for my own self or…
Life Changing Inspiration Contents
Life Changing Inspiration Contents
I am not afraid of my enemy for it is crystal clear what his mission is, but i am gravely afraid of my own self because too many times i cannot tell if i am for my own self or…
Get It Done! Between The Talk and The Work If some people can work half the time they talk, their life would have been more colorful than what it is now Qualification might get you the job, it is performance…
Your number one product is your own life. Whether effective or defective, its your product! Your time is too valuable to pay attention to your haters. Haters are time wasters. Stay focused on your focus The easiest thing to waste…
Nothing can be as difficult as “what we think’ is impossible One main difference between what is difficult and what is impossible is mindset The most difficult thing in the world is what you think is impossible To believe is…
Sometimes problems shared becomes doubled. Your friend has a friend, so, mind what you are telling your friend. Secret truly may be juicy but don’t be tempted to serve them as juice, you may have just poisoned the owner! The…
Truth may seems expensive but its not as scarce, we all have only chosen to believe and patronize cheap lies There are three beings that can lie to you in this world: The devil, the world and yourself. The most…
He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.-The Preacher Life becomes interesting and fulfilling when we live each moment as if they are perfect! Nothing paralysis the mind like too much…
Each time you got a scar, you actually become rare commodity, an expensive product, hard to find, THE SCARCE ONE Everyone who’s got a scar is a General because you made it through the war without losing your life You…
Packaging is good, but it is content that will sustain the image! Our life productivity is inversely proportional to the amount of jagbajantis in it. The lesser the jagbajantis, the higher our productivity When you live on lies! It is…
One of the deadliest things you can do in life is to make your distractions your attraction. Ignore is the word for those who wants to get to their destination safely. Finding purpose is what makes life and living exciting!…