What distracts you, conquers you – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Distractions will bring you to a “standstill” even when you are “running still” – Femi Adediran,  2020.

Set your goals, then close your eyes. Close your eyes to distraction and let your eyes see just one thing, your goals – Femi Adediran,  2020.

Distraction is not what just divides or diverts your attention, it is what multiplies our worries and minimizes our energy – Femi Adediran,  2020.

Don’t give attention to your perceived enemies fighting them. Rather fight to accomplish the task before you. This is an easy way to win over your enemies – your haters – Femi Adediran,  2020.

We become distracted first and foremost in our mind before we become distracted in our life – Femi Adediran, 2020

Our biggest distraction is the band wagon effect – doing what others are doing. The desire to be and look like others – a departure from our true calling – Femi Adediran, 2020

Our personal productivity is a function of our personal attention or personal distraction – Femi Adediran, 2020

Distraction is not what just divide or divert your attention, it is what multiplies our worries and minimize our energy. What distracts you, conquers you. Distractions will bring you to a “standstill” even when you are “running still”. The more we pay attention, the less we become distracted. Attention is what you “pay” in exchange for every distraction that takes you off focus. You must practice “attention paying” so much that “distraction” no longer have a place in your mind

We become distracted first and foremost in our mind before we become distracted in our life. The only way to get rid of distraction is to keep your eye on your goal no matter what. You can’t “shout off” or “talk off” distraction, you only have to ignore your distractions. Every winner knows this. If you can pay attention amidst distractions, you can reach your destination. The less distracted we are the more productive we become. Our personal productivity is a function of our personal attention or personal distraction

Our biggest distraction is the band wagon effect – doing what others are doing. The desire to be and look like others – departure from our true calling. When we are overpowered by band wagon effect, we fear to dare to do it. We fear to look and do it differently. We go with the flow. Anything and Everything can become a distraction.

  • The better can be a distraction from the best
  • The ordinary can be a distraction from the extra ordinary
  • Tomorrow can be a distraction from today
  • The Normal can be a distraction from the New Normal
  • Becoming acceptable can be a distraction from becoming different
  • Our career can be a distraction for our Marriage and our Marriage can be a distraction for our career
  • Comfort can be a distraction from getting better
  • Doubt is a distraction from faith
  • Complain can be a distraction from attaining

How to avoid Distraction

Priority setting will save from distraction: Identify what is most important at the moment. When our priorities are not well set we run into distractions

Stay focused on your goals at all times: Do not give in to noises around you. You must train your mind to become closed to noises, either good or bad, and be opened to pursue your goal. You must learn to ignore criticisms, condemnation and praises. It is good to be applauded but when it takes your attention you will soon fall off the track

Starve your distraction. Feed Your focus

Do not complain. And never explain. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes wide open. Run with purpose in every step of the way

Don’t give attention to your perceived enemy(ies) fighting them. Rather fight to accomplish the task before you. This is an easy way to win over your enemies – your haters. Distractions are parts of our lives, we can only run through them paying attention to what is important. Set your goals, then close your eyes. Close your eyes to distraction and let your eyes see just one thing, your goals.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook handles:
Life Empowerment And Access Codes

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