Going back home from office this evening, I decided to stop by the gas station to top my gas for tomorrow. After leaving the gas station, I instinctively reached for my phone to call my “wify”, only to realize that my beautiful and over guarded “Walkie-Talkie” was nowhere to be found! The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning, instantly activating a surge of norepinephrine. This neurotransmitter kicked my system into overdrive. My heart rate spiked, and my senses became overly sharpened as I drove back to the gas station with an urgency that felt almost primal.
As I maneuvered through traffic with intense focus, my mind raced through possible scenarios, replaying my actions at the gas station. The norepinephrine coursing through me heightened my perception and reaction time, making every second count as I navigated the streets like a determined predator on the hunt.
Upon reaching the gas station, I dashed inside the convenience mart, scanning the area with laser-like precision. The attendant noticed my urgency and approached me, holding up my phone. “You are looking for this, right?” he said, pointing to the shelf where I had left it while reaching for my credit card.
Relief washed over me as I gratefully took my phone, feeling a wave of happiness and gratitude. At that moment, I realized a profound truth: Just as I had channeled all my energy and focus into finding my phone, I could apply the same intensity to discovering and fixing what might be missing in my life. The experience taught me the power of harnessing my inner drive and arousal, much like norepinephrine’s effect, to find and fulfill my purpose.
We all need to tap into that powerful energy within us if we must locate and mend the missing pieces of our lives. By doing so, we might soon hear that affirming voice, saying, “This is it!”