I will rather be humble than be annointed. I will rather be virtuous than be popular
Our life is an error ridden life, that is why we are humans. A deep sense of responsibility to intentionally correct our own error even when we are corrected is what makes us “angel’
An unmistakable sign of maturity is in your ability to take correction without excusing your own error
One favorite scriptures of my mum is Proverb 29:1 “He, that is being often reproved and hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” It is one of my most dreaded scriptures because it appears a man who refuse to take correction has no hope….”without remedy!” Think about it
The point of correction is the point of order
Positive feedback is good, negative feedback is better. Why? Negative feedbacks are your pointer to becoming a better person
A person who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if that person confesses and forsakes those mistakes, another chance is given.” Proverbs 28:18 (TLB)
If all that your friends does is to praise you, then you have only surrounded yourself with sycophants, you need faithful friends who can tell you the truth without fear or favor
No matter how annointed you are, one of the ways to become more annointed is to be open to correction
Corrections may be bitter, it sure makes you better
If you have no one to correct you, you are on your way to self destruction!
If you truly love yourself, you will love corrections
“A person who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if that person confesses and forsakes those mistakes, another chance is given.” Proverbs 28:18 (TLB)
One favorite scriptures of my mum is Proverb 29:1 “He, that is being often reproved and hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.” It is one of my most dreaded scriptures because it appears a man who refuse to take correction has no hope….”without remedy!” Think about it
I will rather be humble than be annointed. I will rather be virtuous than be popular
An unmistakable sign of maturity is in your ability to take correction without excusing your own error
Our life is an error ridden life, that is why we are humans. A deep sense of responsibility to intentionally correct our own error even when we are corrected is what makes us “angel’
If you think correction is meant to push you down, then you have missed your way to the top
The point of correction is the point of order
No man has ever been great who has never embraced correction
To raise great children, show them by example that it takes courage to accept correction to become great
Correction is your life security from destruction
Positive feedback is good, negative feedback is better. Why? Negative feedbacks are your pointer to becoming a better person
He who that does not accept correction, can and will never see the way forward
If all that your friends does is to praise you, then you have only surrounded yourself with sycophants, you need faithful friends who can tell you the truth without fear or favor
He who is afraid of criticism is nothing but a coward. Real men are never afraid to be criticized
Your “ true friends”are your number one critics
If you have no one to correct you, you are on your way to self destruction
No matter how annointed you are, one of the ways to become more annointed is to be open to correction
When we fall to take correction in low places, Shame and disgrace is eminent in high places
If you truly love yourself, you will love corrections
Corrections may be bitter, it sure makes you better