Parenting essentially a spiritual assignment, every other thing is secondary

The most important gift you can give your children is not money but value. Value is what set anyone free from demonic influence of money

If you can lead “successfully” in your home, you are one of world greatest leaders!

Your children are not your liabilities, they are your responsibilities. If you think of children as liabilities, they become a burden but if you think of them as your responsibilities, you become committed to their welfare

The world is actually “Homemade”

Every child is an experiment for greatness or for failure. Parents are the scientists

Raising great children has to be intentional otherwise it will only be a speculation

Parenting is a calling and not a chore. If you ever got a child, You are called!

What we constantly say to our children eventually become their “still small voice”

Train up your child if you don’t want to trail him

Parents by default the most influential figure in the life of a child until we gave that power out to “music stars”

Your children are not your liabilities, they are your responsibilities. If you think of children as liabilities, they become a burden but if you think of them as your responsibilities, you become committed to their welfare

Every child can be trained to become anything if you start early enough. “Train up a child the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” Proverbs 22:6

Your children are your life long responsibility

If you are not training your children to accept responsibility, they will eventually become a liability

Every child is an experiment for greatness or for failure. Parents are the scientists

What we constantly say to our children eventually become their “still small voice”

Parents by default the most influential figure in the life of a child until we gave that power out to “music stars”

Treat your children the way you want them to be

Children must be taught how to be responsible and be set free at the same time

Train up your child if you don’t want to trail him

The best training you can give any child is by example

If you can lead “successfully” in your home, you are one of world greatest leaders!

Don’t just grow in age, grow In knowledge and wisdom as well so the difference between you and your children will not just be numbers

Raising great children has to be intentional otherwise it will only be a speculation

Parenting is a calling and not a chore. If you ever got a child, You are called!

The most important gift you can give your children is not money but value. Value is what set anyone free from demonic influence of money

It is far cheaper to build a strong child than to repair a broken adult

Children learn more from what we do than what we say

The world is actually “Homemade”

Parenting is essentially a spiritual assignment, every other thing is secondary

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