Your identity must not be attached to your event. Failure is an event, success is an event. When your identity becomes attached to your event, you become unreliable and unstable. Your character is your true identity!

The proof of your character is in your ability to be nice to people even when they are not nice to you.

When your identity is attached to people’s reaction and approval, it becomes very easy to hurt you.

Whatever you give yourself to is what grows or ruin your life. Nothing and nobody can ruin or grow in your life until you give your life to them.

When your identity is attached to people’s reaction and approval, it becomes very easy to hurt you.

The proof of your character is in your ability to be nice to people even when they are not nice to you.

Sometimes the way to say yes is to say no and Sometimes the way to say something is to say nothing!

Your identity must not be attached to your event. Failure is an event, success is an event. When your identity becomes attached to your event, you become unreliable and unstable. Your character is your true identity!

Whatever you give yourself to is what grows or ruin your life. Nothing and nobody can ruin or grow in your life until you give your life to them.

What we say about yourself is what people say about us eventually.

Talent may take you to the top. It is character that keeps you at the top.

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