Whenever the light within us fails, we are bound to experience “heart- failure” which eventually leads to life-failure Our biggest source of power is our inner light. It takes the light within to conquer the darkness without It does not really matter the darkness around us; what really matter is the intensity of light from…

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It is nearly impossible to miss a target where and when it has been clearly marked and mapped out for an attack. That is what you should do in the New Year, map out a field of operations for your destiny; Mark your target; be steady, be focused, Then, strike! You can monopolize your own…

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We are what we eat. Food doesn’t necessarily make a man strong. The less you eat “some kind of food”, the stronger you become. Think about it. Practice they say, makes perfect. Practice everything including your success story Every situation of our life comes with its own advantage. Do yourself a favor, take it! Take…

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