Other People’s Shoes

What does not touch your heart, does not move your hand – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Kindness is first of the heart before it becomes of the act – Femi Adediran, 2020.

We are compassionate and rational to the degree that we can identify with other’s feelings – Femi Adediran, 2020.

It is one thing to be a human being, It is another to be human – Femi Adediran, 2020

Empathy will teach you emotional intelligence making you function beyond personal obsession – Femi Adediran, 2020.

Friendship is about sharing each other’s pain and joy because we are able to “exchange our shoes”…we care because we share and we share because we share  – Femi Adediran,  2020

We are only as compassionate as the pain we can feel – Femi Adediran,  2020

The pain you feel is the pain you treat. Real medication is empathy – Femi Adediran,  2020

We  be objective but reality is beyond our personal objectivity. Experiential Reality is subjectively objective. That is why we all must embrace our realities in subjective objectivity – Femi Adediran,  2020

We don’t pay so much attention to other people until we are in their shoes – Femi Adediran,  2020

Until we can empathize with others , we  never be able to sympathize with them. Criticism, pointing accusing finger, condemnation becomes very easy when we have not stepped into other’s shoes. We are compassionate and rational to the degree that we can identify with others feelings. Sometimes we think we are better than others just because we are not in their shoes. To Deal rightly, to talk rightly and to relate rightly with others, we would need to imagine what it feels like to be in their shoes

Before you pass judgment, before you condemn, before you become hateful, before you say the wrong thing…wear other people’s shoes first. Others will continue to look bad until we can exchange places with them. Until we can empathize, we remain unkind, inconsiderate and inhuman. It is one thing to be a human being, It is another to be human. What does not touch your heart, does not move your hand

To be kind to others, to be kind with deep sense of responsibility, we must be able to feel what others are feeling. Kindness is first of the heart before it becomes of the act. We can only be as prompt as what we feel. Friendship is about sharing each other’s pain and joy because we are able to “exchange our shoes”. We care because we share and we share because we care

We are only as compassionate as the pain we can feel. The pain you cannot feel, you cannot fill. We are all from different places with different pain. Pain is not a weakness. Pains mostly are disguised strength because gains are mostly masked with pain. Until we can feel what others are feeling, see what they are seeing, hear what they are hearing, we are not qualify to judge them. The realization that we all have personal problems, things that we have to deal with in privacy will help us to relate better in kindness rather than in judgment

Everyone is fighting a harder battle! Be kind. You cannot love your neighbor as yourself until you can see your neighbor as yourself walking in his shoes. We all have different perspective to life. To share other’s view of life, this is empathy. We  be objective but reality is beyond our personal objectivity. Experiential Reality is subjectively objective. That is why we all must embrace our realities in subjective objectivity. It’s difficult to be humble when you have not been through the rumble.

When you wear others shoe, pride will no longer be a “virtue”. We are not safe with and around each other until we can feel each other’s pain and joy. The more we can empathize with one another, the higher the security around us. The pain you feel is the pain you treat. Real medication is empathy. You will not understand my laughter and my cry until you can wear my shoes. Great faith, great religion is empathy.

We don’t pay so much attention to other people until we are in their shoes. People complain not because things are so bad but because no one is there to empathize. We  not be able to solve other’s problems but identifying with people in pain is a great soothing effect. Empathy will teach you emotional intelligence making you function beyond personal obsession

  • Destruction is easy when we lack empathy
  • Criticism is easy when we lack empathy
  • Judgment is easy when we lack empathy
  • Hostility is easy when we lack empathy
  • Gossiping is easy when we lack empathy
  • Condemnation is easy when we lack empathy

People respond more positively when we can identify with their pain and gain. Our world would become more conducive if only we will wear each other’s shoes.

Femi Adediran…olufire Naani
Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook handles:
Life Empowerment And Access Codes

One comment

  1. Wonderful and good word of instigation and observation and the best way to make life a better place for each and everyone of us…

    God bless u sir

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