The difference between a Goat and a sheep is essentially value! No man is poorer than a man with money who has no value A goat cannot raise a sheep just as a sheep cannot raise a goat. Our children…
Life Changing Inspiration Contents
Life Changing Inspiration Contents
Blog on Potential
The difference between a Goat and a sheep is essentially value! No man is poorer than a man with money who has no value A goat cannot raise a sheep just as a sheep cannot raise a goat. Our children…
We all make mistakes no doubt but to allow our mistakes to make us is the biggest mistake There are no big or small problems; the size of our problems is in the capacity of the space we have made…
Everything started with NOTHING. Even the world started with NOTHING. NOTHING is always the beginning of a new world, beginning of a new experience, beginning of a new dawn. When you are down to NOTHING, It is time to watch…
Whenever the light within us fails, we are bound to experience “heart- failure” which eventually leads to life-failure Our biggest source of power is our inner light. It takes the light within to conquer the darkness without It does not…
It is nearly impossible to miss a target where and when it has been clearly marked and mapped out for an attack. That is what you should do in the New Year, map out a field of operations for your…
It takes you to break old patterns in your life to have a New Year otherwise, it will only be a change of date To escape vulnerability, you must find your stability! Think about it Any “song” you play for…
If you don’t have enough money right now, check what you are doing with your time, the clue is there Time is a lot more expensive than money. We can have more money but time is intrinsically limited Our highest…
We are what we eat. Food doesn’t necessarily make a man strong. The less you eat “some kind of food”, the stronger you become. Think about it. Practice they say, makes perfect. Practice everything including your success story Every situation…
The easiest way to ruin and to run down your life effectively is to think you are a NOBODY!!! It is difficult to explain greatness to a man with zero mindset simply because his mind is set on nothing The…
Aragbe Laye – To live well…You Must Pay well – Yoruba Proverb To live well, you must PAY well and to pay well, You must PRAY well After your wedding vow, the next most important vow is making up your…