– To value your integrity more than gold, this is attractive – To care genuinely about other people regardless of what they are able to give or not able to give back to you, this is attractive – To respect…
Life Changing Inspiration Contents
Life Changing Inspiration Contents
Blog on Potential
– To value your integrity more than gold, this is attractive – To care genuinely about other people regardless of what they are able to give or not able to give back to you, this is attractive – To respect…
We are only as valuable as our own values No hypocrisy is greater than acting differently apart from what is in our heart The litmus Test for true and great friendship is in our willingness to do everything for nothing…
Our time in this world is incontestably limited. To maximize it is to set our priorities right To truly know a man, find out what his priorities are. We are what we love Our best companion should be our priorities…
With all thy getting, get a mentor. It is cheaper! Any man who cannot be corrected has disqualified himself from being promoted Children first mentors should be their parent Because we are human, we are not perfect. We all have…
*1. The Complain Habit * The lesser you complain the better your grip on the situation. Complains weakens your resolve to make a definite decision on the solution. The most unfortunate part is that we complain about every other thing…
Effective fathers are loving fathers. Love must precede discipline, otherwise we will raise rebels as children and have recalcitrant as life partners A father can only be as effective as the consistency of his prayer life. The burden of fatherhood…
The world was actually made at home We cannot mass produce at home, we can only make one product at a time. Each of our children need our personal attention Values are best taught at home; Schools at best can…
No man is great who does not have a ritual Until we make prayer our rituals, the devil will continue to be our kidnapper Your ritual is the thread for sewing your destiny outfits Consistency is a power generator We…
It’s either we are daring or we are dying! The choice is up to us! Dare to be Different! Dare to say Goodbye! Dare to be be silent! Dare to speak up! Dare to wait! Dare to make a choice!…
The stage isn’t for the talented, it is for the confident The stage is an equal employer, it does not discriminate against anyone. The stage does not know your educational background nor your political affiliation . If you are bold…