Category Inspiration & Motivation

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Our most potent expressions are the indelible impression we make on others heart. If you must express it at all, make it a heartfelt impression beyond what the eyes can see – Femi Adediran, 2020. Be careful of the impressions…

Beyond Elastic Limit

The elastic limit is the point beyond which the material you are stretching becomes permanently stretched so that the material does not return to its original length when the force is removed – Hookes Law.  It is only reasonable not…

Do Your Bits

Everything great is built-in bits. We don’t become great by doing “big things” but by doing “little things” well – Femi Adediran, 2020. Nothing is too big to accomplish if we will all do our bits – Femi Adediran, 2020. When we…

Dancing in the Rain

When we wait too long for the storm to pass, we  have missed the opportunity to dance in the rain – Femi Adediran, 2020. Life is as beautiful as the beautiful choices we make even at ugly moments – Femi Adediran, 2020.…


What distracts you, conquers you – Femi Adediran, 2020. Distractions will bring you to a “standstill” even when you are “running still” – Femi Adediran,  2020. Set your goals, then close your eyes. Close your eyes to distraction and let your…